Chapter Thirty Seven

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New chapter! Please vote to get me higher in the Watty Awards! I really want to get through!


I gasped in utter shock as Alex was pushed out of the room. My surprise turned to anger at my mother and I clenched my fists, trying to stop myself punching something. Suddenly the door burst open and Peeta walked in.

"Hey Scarlett." she grinned widely. "I was so worried! You and Alex just disappear off of the face of the Earth! I was the last person who saw you!" I took in her bedraggled appearance; the bags under her eyes made her look more mature than normal and she hadn't put make up on, unlike usual. She paused. "What's up?" she walked swiftly over and sat down next to me.

"Alex." I whispered

"What about him?" she asked looking confused.

"My mother, she accused him of taking me." The tears rolled down my cheeks and she stared at me, obviously waiting for me to tell her it was a joke.

"Oh my god." she burst out. "How could she do that?" she kicked the wall and then walked back to me, the anger still clear on her face. "Where is that bitch? I'm going to murder her." she muttered. She turned to me. "Why didn't you tell her it wasn't like that?" she demanded.

"I told her. But she didn't listen. And the policemen left before I could say anything. They took me by surprise." I whispered.

"I'm going to talk to him." I nodded and she stormed out of the room. Just minutes later, she returned, her face flushed with anger. "They wouldn't let me talk to him. A police officer stood outside the door. His mother was stood outside sobbing, but they won't even let her bloody see him. I honestly felt so bad for her." There was a knock on the door, and Alex's mother, Sarah, walked in. "I'll go." Peeta slipped out of the room, leaving me and Sarah alone in a tense silence.

"Did he do it?" she whispered. I shook my head and tears fell from her eyes, mirroring my own. "Then why can't I see him?" she wailed.

"I don't know." I said quietly, as she cried into my bed. I shakily placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her. "They haven't asked me."

When she calmed down she asked me "Do you know who made the allegations?" I bit my lip.

"My mother." I whispered. She looked shocked.

"Haven't you told her she's making up crap?" she said.

"Of course I have. She thinks I'm making it up. She doesn't understand how much I love him." I yelled. She smiled gently.

"Well he's not guilty until it's proven. It's not true and you're the only witness. Your mother is going down." she said, through gritted teeth, before giving me a guilty look. "Sorry."

"I'm thinking it, don't worry." She grinned, before rubbing my shoulder. I flinched away and she grimaced.

"Sorry. But she will come round; She has to." she closed her eyes and sighed. Giving me a small smile, she left the room.

The rest of the afternoon went slowly, and I had no visitors because I requested it. I just sat there in my depressed state. Waiting for the police to come so I could deny everything, waiting for my mother to come so I could beg her to stop, waiting for Alex to come so I could cry into his shoulder and tell him anything; But none of them happened. Day faded to night and the only person I saw was my doctor. I denied my meal, because I wasn't hungry. I sat in the darkness, my chin resting on my knees; I felt so small and helpless. There was nothing I could do, until I was asked. I couldn't leave my room, because I had already put too much strain on my ankle.

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