chapter nine

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A month later

 As i stand in the kitchen, looking for the ingredients to the cookies. I heard a strange sound come from the front room. There in the middle of the clean floor sat a young child, i'd say about seven or eight. I get down on my knees and draw up close to him. 

"What's your name young man?" I was completely ignored. 

"Would you..." Darla, the young house-keeper, interrupts me.

"Miss Rachel, he's mute. Or at least we think he is. He doesn't ever talk." As Darla rambled on I took a look at the young man. 

I stand up, and brush off the jean pants I was wearing. "Alrighty then, i'll call you Tazz. How about we get you cleaned up, and you can come and help me make some cookies." 

I whisper the next part. "And just between us, i'll let you lick the bowl, and you can have some of the freshly made cookies with me. Hows about it, does it sound like a plan?" 

He cocks his head to the side as if weighing my words carefully. Then he slowly nods yes. I wrap his Small hand in mine. In the bathroom, I turn the water on warm, grabbed a towel from the closet, after disrobing Tazz, I set to cleaning him up. 

Thirty-minutes later

 I had a black haired, browned eyed kid. Instead of a muddy mess. Darla lent him her little brothers clothes.I plaid t-shirt, boxers, and jean shorts. Then we went to go and make a mess out of the kitchen. 


 I get home from the pack meeting, and i open the front door to giggles. I could hear a small child's laugh and a woman's combined. Wondering who it could be, i peeked around the corner, and was shocked speechless. There on the floor covered from head to toe in what looked like flour was Rachel. She sounded so happy, the happiest i've heard her. 

 I turn around to leave, when she stops laughing. I hear her groan out in pain, and i swiftly turn myself around, and looked into the kitchen. There she was lying on the floor. Her face scrunched in pain. I run over to her and lightly touch her arm and then her stomach when she begins to howl and whimper. 

 I pick her up, and start to run. I make it to the doctors office and start banging on the door, when no-one answers I begin to panic. Thoughts of, something terrible happening to her, run in circles clouding my mind, to reason. She sighs out something, before passing out. "It hurts."

 I freeze, and then for some reason I begin to scream, and scream. When someone finally heard me, and she was taken from me. I learned that i had been crying. Me, the big bad Alpha crying? And it was over a girl I barely knew. 

 As I sat there, watching them fawn over trying to find the reason for her pain. I came to the conclusion, (without my wolf inter fearing) that no one was going to take her from me. Not any one, not her family, not her old pack, not her retarded mate, not a soul. For my mind has been made up, and it wont be changing anytime soon.


  Except for the fact, I wont be telling her that. i mean i don't feel anything romantic for her. I just have the feeling of wanting to keep her all to myself. So until I realize what my true intentions are (please don't tell her) I wont be saying a word about me wanting her. 'at least not to her face

 One of my good buddies sees me and comes over. "dude what's got your panties in a twist?" He's a pain.

 "MY panties are not in a twist! Besides they aren't panties, they are Boxers. Come on, say it with me. B.O.X.E.R.S. Boxers." After making a fool of myself, i felt a bit hot in the face, thinking it was my imagination, was just plain stupid.

"Holy wolf, your blushing." He said in an amazed voice. i was pissed, what makes him think I never blush, he had no right to be that amazed. Then pointing at my face he giggles. Not one of those, 'you look retarded laughs. No it was on of the Oh.My.God you look like a girl giggle.'

 I bowed my head, and silently beat the shit out of him in my head. When we cooled off, him from laughing, and me from wanting to rip his head off. the doctor that was on duty (Doctor mimic, and yes that's his last name.) came out, and ushered us into his office.(I of course had a bad feeling)

 "She's fine, but must be confined to a bed for the duration of her pregnancy. This may be hard to hear, but she has twins." I must have looked shocked for the doctor paused in his explanation.

 "One of the twins is larger and the other twin looks small, almost like he wasn't conceived with the larger twin. This is rare but has happened before, when a female who is newly pregnant but was rejected, and then within a month finds and mates with another male, due to the females hormone wanting a strong male around and in those rare cases another baby is conceived . It is hard to hear i am sure, but we must handle this delicately and without allot of stress due to her condition." 

 "Any questions?" He looks at me.

"When will the babies be born?" Was the only question, that would come out of my mouth.(there where allot of questions swirling inside my mind.)

 The Doctor thinks for a minute, and looks at the chart. He coughs ever so slightly. "Well from what I see hear , she should have another two to three months left. But with the extra baby, they could be born at a moments notice or a month from now."  

 If I was beyond shocked, then there's no telling what Rachel's feeling. After a moment I feel my strength ebbing, and I put my head in my hands, and probably for the first time in my life, I cried. not your huge, gasping for air crying. But the silent one, where if you where to see. Then you yourself would cry too. 

(After that I swore everyone who saw that to secrecy. So please keep it a secret too?) 

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