Russian Roulette

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That he's here, means he has never lost.


"Don't forget to lock the windows tonight."

"Uhu," I mumbled while I spit out the toothpaste in my mouth. My phone was between my shoulder and ear, which made my head stand in an unnatural angle. "I also won't open the door for strangers."

"Cara," my father spoke admonishingly after picking up the sarcasm in my voice. "I would appreciate it if you didn't brush your teeth while we're on the phone."

"And I would appreciate it if you'd stop calling me but unfortunately here we are."

My father sighed. "Please. You know I care about your wellbeing."

This made my head snap up. I grabbed the phone from my shoulder and clutched it tightly in anger. "Oh, come on, you only care about keeping youth care off your ass." 

"Language," he warned. "I raised you better than that."

I let out a sound of disbelief at what he said. If there was one thing that man hadn't done, it was raising me. My nannies did that job. "This is ridiculous. Just send me that damn check and I won't bother you until next month."

I was referring to the money he sent me every month to take care of myself. It was a lot of money I had to admit. Too much actually but I didn't complain. It was the least he could do after being such a shitty dad. 

"How much do you want?"

"The same as usual."

"You'll have it by tomorrow," he groaned. "I love you, Cara."

I was so tempted to make a gagging sound but restrained myself. "Sure, dad. Bye." But before I was done speaking I already heard the familiar beeping nose that indicated an ended call. 

Great, dad. Nice way to end the conversation.

I put the phone on the sink in front of me and for the thousandth time today looked in the mirror. And for the thousandth time I was met with the ghost of a girl. I still looked ill and there were dark circles around my eyes. My finger went to the bags under my eyes, slightly moving the skin to examine it. 

"It's not that bad," a voice behind me made me spin around, only to find Raphael leaning against the doorpost of my bathroom.

"Jesus Christ," I breathed out with a hand over my throat. 

Raphael pushed himself of the doorpost and made his way over to me. "He won't like it when you curse with his name."

I scoffed. I was raised as an atheist and for some reason it was hard for me to believe that there was more than this earth. I couldn't comprehend there was a God and a heaven. It was too much for me to grasp. "Come on, Raph. He probably doesn't even exist."

His eyes got a mischievous glint in them, as if he was enjoying some kind of private joke. "Are you sure about that?"

"I'm sure he won't send me to hell for calling out his name a few times."

For a couple of seconds Raphael's face became sad. "You're right. You're a lost cause anyway," he murmured.

Although the words were joking, something in his voice and face gave me the impression that he was serious. It sent shivers down my spine. It sounded like my fate was already set in stone. I would be going to hell. 

"What do you mean?" I asked him. 

At my words he started smirking but I could tell it wasn't genuine. "You have difficulty getting through airport security. Do I have to explain more?"

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