Answered-Chapter 9

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“You promised!” she screamed through the phone at Rudy. She pounded up and down the hallways as several nurses brought Sara back to life.

“I’ll be right there.” He said emotionless.

Rebekah came out into the hallway to console Drew’s ranting.

“Drew calm down or you can’t see her.”

“I have a bone to pick with you too. Why was no one on her floor with her?”

“I’m sorry.”

 “There was no one on her floor but one officer. One versus one can go either way. Who knows how long she was sitting there! Why didn’t you have anybody go and check on her?”

Rebekah swallowed hard. She did feel guilty and sick to her stomach. She knew Drew felt the same exact way as her.

“I’m sorry. I really am. You can kill me after this is over, but you need to go see Sara. Pull it together. Her nose is broken; there was blood in her mouth because he knocked a molar loose. She’s coming through and asking for you.”

Drew unclenched her fists and let out a deep breath. “I’m sorry.” She said.

“It’s okay. I’m feeling the same way.”

Drew was edgy walking in to see her. Her legs felt weak and she wanted to sit on the ground and bawl when she saw Sara’s face.

Drew felt like a betrayer and a liar standing there. Sara’s heart washed over with relief as she met Drew’s eyes.

Drew ever so softly touched the side of Sara’s cheek.

“I am so sorry.”

Sara’s head rested on her right shoulder. She looked up at Drew with weary, tired eyes. She could see the guilt masked on her face as Drew searched her face for forgiveness.

“It wasn’t your fault.” She whispered through cracked lips.

Drew shook her head. Sara tried to read her expression besides the guilt ridden fixture. Drew’s hand trembled slightly as she rested it on Sara’s thigh.

“I should have been here.”  

Sara could see the anguish in her green eyes. Sara put her hand over Drew’s.

“You can’t stop what is bound to happen.”

Drew scoffed at her own words being recounted back to her. Sara gave her a sly smile and she couldn’t help but return it. Secretly she knew there was truth in those words.

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