The monster in my backyard

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                               The Monster in my Backyard   

Have you heard the story about the monster in my backyard?No. Ok it happened like this. It was summer years ago and I decided to go for a swim in a lake behind my house. I jumped into the cold murky water and swam to the bottom. Instead of finding mud I found a tunnel that lead to a fire lit room. The room smelled like rotting flesh.It smelled so bad I felt vomit sliding up my throat and onto the floor. Ignoring the awful taste in my mouth I continued into the room. I heard a growl so threatening I stopped dead in my tracks. I turned around to see a tall scaly figure standing behind me. I picked up a rock just as it grabbed me. I took the rock and knocked out its teeth. It let out a deafening roar as it forcefully shoved me down its throat. But since it could not chew me it couldn't swallow me. I sat there for what seemed like hours until it stopped moving. Then I wiggled free, dived into the tunnel,and swam to the freedom of my backyard.

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