Chapter Four, Part Two: Commander Trajan

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I saw the smug look on the sick pigs face as I grabbed my wooden sword. He thought this would be an easy win. Oh how wrong he was. As I stepped into the circle I sized him up. He was bulky, with a lot of muscle. But I knew from watching him fight that he was slow

Pointing my sword at him I prepared myself, I knew he wanted this to be quick so that I wouldn't have a chance. The bell rang and he immedatley lunged foward. I side stepped just in time and swung the sword. It struck his back, making him fall to the ground.

I smirked and hit him with the end of the wooden sword. Making him fall to the ground again. Kicking him to make him turn over I placed the tip of the sword on the guys throat. I sighed that was too easy.

The bell rang again, indicating I had one. I took the sword off his throat and took a step back. I grinned, I had just won my two hundredth match against a commander, which made me one now. I looked at the general in charge of the training camp, he was glaring at the commander. I wanted to rip the stupid wooden sword in half. He wished that it had been the commander that had one the match, so he wouldn't have to promote me. All because I was a girl.

I went over to the general, a lean man that wore the standered black coat with his ranking, a pair of pants, a real sword strapped to his hip, and combat boots. "Trajan, you are now promoted to the rank of commander. Heres your new badge." From the way he said it sounded like I was forcing him to drink a vile of poison. 

I snatched up the new badge and looked at it. It was a silver badge in th shape of Pallasathea's crest. The Phoenix. I pinned it onto my jacket and took my sword from the box outside the fighting circle. "Your dismissed." 

I nodded and was about to go to my quarters when a rookie suddenly ran up and stood infront of me with a smug look on his. "Liutenent Drew-"

"Commander" I snapped.

"Commander Drew Trajan, the King has requested your presence" my face fell immedatley.

Crap, the King wanted to see me? I nodded and began to walk to the camps gate. What am I going to do? Everyone was against me serving in the military, the men thought it wasn't right. Woman were just toys to them and the army was no place for toys. My hand tightened as my mind drifted to the last time I was in the Kings presence.


I had just gotten beaten up by the group of soliders who signed men up for military duty at the castle. They thought it was just so funny that a woman wanted to join the military. So they showed me how I was too weak to fight by beating me.

I fought back, I assure you that. But there was about six trained men against one me, it just wasn't going to happen. So the men had just beaten me up and were talking about who should take me home. I was tryin to think of all the possible ways I could get away, when a man strolled by. i had seen the face before and was suddenly struck with pure horror when he turned to face me.

"It is the law to curtsy when in the presence of a King" the man said.   

I quickly scrambled to my feet, groaning as pain shot through me, but managed to do a curtsy. "Who are you?" the man asked, "And what are you doing here?"

" I am Drew Trajan, daughter of General Trajan of the second cohort. I came here to sign up for the military, but I see I am not welcome."

The King frowned and faced the six men, "You will sign this young lady up, and place her in the twelth cohort, understood?" He turned back around to face me, "I will let yo join the military, but one day I will ask for a favor and you will do so. But right now I want you to train."

With that he turned around and left, leaving me there at sixteen to deal with the pigs of the army.


That had been two years ago, I guess you could say I broke a record for getting such a high rank in the shortest amount of time. But everyone ignored it, not wanting to admit that I was a skilled fighter.

I knew what the King wanted from me, he wanted a favor. And when a King asks a favor you must obligue. Or the person disappears.  

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