Chapter 1: School isn't Safe Anymore.

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 The song to the right is a song that could relate to how Emmett feels and it helped me write this chapter. This chapter is in the POV of Juliana, the heroine of the story. Most of the chapters, from here on out, are in her perspective. Enjoy!

 This chapter has been rewritten & edited as of October 22, 2013.


Chapter 1:

School isn't Safe Anymore 


     My eyes snapped open, and I jumped out of bed, alarmed.

     "Dad?" I called out as I opened the door to my room.

      No answer.

     With a sigh, I shut my door and walked towards my bed ready to let its warmth welcome me. It must've been part of my nightmare, I lied to myself. Ever since they moved into this town, I've grown weary and cautious about every suspicious thing. I don't even know why they came. Was it because they knew about me? Or was it simply a coincidence? Either way, I surely did not want to take the risk of revealing myself to find out.

    Giving in to my frightened curiosity, I snuck a glimpse at my window and caught the sight of a man's silhouette, only adding more to my already paranoid state.

     Grabbing my jacket, I briskly made my way out of my house and found myself ignoring my earlier concerns on taking risks.

     Go back home! Go back now!

      I made sure to be quiet, so I wouldn't wake up my dad. I knew that I would regret this later on, but I had a bad omen about the silhouette. Whoever it was came to my house for a reason, and I was willingly taking a risk to find out despite my concern about it just moments ago. "I know you're out there!" I said, my grip on the flashlight tightening in my hand.

    As I walked out of my street, I couldn't help but feel watched. My heart beat quickened as did my pace. What did I just walk myself into?

    Glancing around, I noted that there was no soul in sight. My eyes couldn't sense it, but my ears and nose sensed it. Someone else was here. I silently prayed that it wouldn't be a hunter, but as I thought about it, I shrugged the possibility off. If my own kind doesn't notice me, then hunters don't either.

     I'm exquisite when it comes to hiding my wolf scent, but being a shifter does not lessen my fear of being watched or stalked by someone. My hurried pace sprouted into a full run as I heard footsteps behind me. I didn't know exactly where I was running to or who I was running from but I knew I had to get back home. But how?

    I came to a stop in a small secluded forested area right by our town's playground, catching my breath. Trees, twigs, shrubs, small insects and fallen leaves surrounded me, obscuring me and I hoped that I had lost my pursuer. The only light in the area was the full moon's and a street light -that I could see from where I was hiding- but even then, it was  dark.

    "So it is true...Samuel had a little disgraceful mutt after all." A deep voice spat from behind.

   I jumped, startled at the voice but hastily recovered myself and turned to face where it came from. Due to the darkness, I couldn't see his face clearly. All I could make out were two brown eyes and a toothy, devious grin. There was something about his eyes. As I stared into them, I saw a light significant glow that let me know he was a wolf, a shifter.

   Stepping forward, he allowed himself to be revealed. I watched him warily, my eyes not leaving him. His hair was a shade of brown, cheek bones definite, straight nose, and at the moment, his jaw was tensed. He looked vaguely familiar...

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