The Hidden Royal [5]

Start from the beginning

When that bastard of an alpha hurt my mate, I wanted to kill him. I wanted to hurt him severely and let him suffer until death. How dare he disrespect her and claim that she was his mate?

To make matters worse, what if I’m like that? Not abusive, of course, but obsessive?

It is a little weird to have pictures of someone who you’ve never met before. I can’t help it though. She’s just so beautiful and if it were up to me, I would stare at those pictures of her forever.

I put down the picture and shifted my thoughts to the new girl. She’s most definitely a beauty. When I met her, I couldn’t help but feel the happiness that I felt only for Victoria with her too.

Her scent was magnificent. The most amazing scent I’ve ever smelled. My wolf was threatening to come out every time I saw her. It took everything in me to calm him down.

If I hadn’t had known Victoria was my mate, I would of thought Michelle was mine too. That can't be possible though, right? It’s never happened to anyone before so I’m sure I’m just going crazy.

A knock interrupted my thoughts. “Who is it?” I called.


“Come on in.” I ordered.

Alex is the only one who knows about Victoria being my mate. He’s the only one that has seen my pictures of her and the videos I collected of her.

“You okay?” He asked, sitting on the edge of my bed.

“When am I ever okay?” I replied with no emotion in my voice. “I hate this. I hate feeling like such a creeper.”

“Man, you’re not a creeper. You just care about her, that’s all.”

I didn’t reply to that. I don’t know if he is just lying and refusing to let me know that I am obsessive or if he really is telling the truth.

“Anyways, what do you think of Michelle?” He asked, blushing a little.

I shrugged. “I don’t know. She’s just a normal girl.” I lied. “Why?”

“I’m going to call her later and ask her out on a date,” He admitted. “I’m a little nervous. What should I say?”

Rage ran through me. He was going to ask MY girl on a date? What the hell is wrong with him?

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

I gritted my teeth. “Nothing.”

She’s not ours! I told my wolf. Victoria is our mate.

You’re such a idiot if you don’t realize the truth. He growled through my head. Are you that stupid to not realize Michelle is ours!

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