Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

That night Mrs. Gardiner let Allison sleep in my room as I was leaving the next day. She got a bed put up in my room and Allison decided to sleep on the floor. When Mrs. Gardiner left Allison sat across me on my bed and asked “What did you see? I know you saw something. Tell me what.” I hesitated but then I started talking. When I got to the part at the airport Allison turned pale but she didn’t say anything.

When I finished she was silent for some time. Then she said “I’m not saying this because I don’t want you to go but you know that there is a possibility of your dying a very painful death at the airport and you’re still going. I mean what’s going through your head?” “I know that I can die tomorrow but I have a hunch that Julian King can do stuff with magic. Today when I first met him I tried to break into his mind but he has a barrier around his mind. He even felt my presence in his mind. So I am just going to have to trust the fact that he can do magic.” I replied.

Allison looked at me like I was mad. “What if you’re wrong and he can’t do magic. If he can’t then you’re as good as dead.” “Allison, you worry too much. It’ll be fine. Even if he can’t do magic I can try and control the mind of that creature whatever it is.” I said. “You can control minds. You never told me that.” I smiled guiltily and said “Yeah, I can. We wouldn’t be friends if I couldn’t. On the first day of school I pretty much ordered you to be my friend.” I raised my arms in surrender and said “Guilty as charged.”

Both of us burst out laughing. “I’m glad you did. I would have missed an awesome friend.” Saying so she hugged me tightly. “Anyway you need to sleep. You have to get up early tomorrow. Wake me up to say good-bye tomorrow before you leave.”I agreed and Allison went down onto her bed.

“Goodnight” I called and she returned the greeting. She turned over and pretended to be asleep but I could hear her thoughts. She didn’t want me going and she was sick with worry for me but she couldn’t help it. If anything happened to her friend she was going to track King down and personally going to make his life a miserable wreck. Let him watch out.

I stifled a laugh and said “A word of advice, don’t. I don’t want my best friend going to prison because of me and I don’t think his family would appreciate it if you hurt him Allison.” She looked puzzled for a moment and then remembered that I could read minds. When she realized what I was talking about both of us burst out laughing. “Stay out of my head Alexis Connors.” She pretended to scold me. I smirked and said “Got something to hide have we?” “Alexis, just shut up.” She replied still laughing. I smiled and said “Yes ma’am.”

Allison chose to ignore me. I pretended to be hurt and said “Allison, I’m leaving tomorrow and you want to sleep. Come on, get up. Talk to me. I don’t know when I’ll see you again.” Allison got up and said with a sad look on her face “I’ll miss you Alexis.” “I’ll miss you too. What’s your best memory of me? Come on tell me.” “I’ll have to say today will be my fondest memory of you. This is the first time you have laughed so much after so many years. I’ll never forget this day.”

Finally at around 1:00 I started to feel sleepy so I said goodnight to Allison and turned around so I was sleeping on my left shoulder. I closed my eyes and fell asleep almost immediately.

Sadly as I fell asleep I didn’t get any rest because I kept dreaming about the monster and my mind kept on and on showing me a scene where I was on the ground and the monster was tearing me apart and I was screaming my lungs out.

I woke up at 6:30 in the morning because we had to leave by 7:00 to catch a 10:00 flight. I got up and went for a bath. Coming out 15 minutes later I shook Allison awake. She was up immediately and I said “I’m leaving.” She sat up hugged me and whispered in my ear “I’ll miss you.” I laughed and replied “I’ll miss you too. Promise me you won’t forget me when I’m gone.” “I won’t” she promised, also laughing. I got and started walking towards the door. When I reached the door I turned and waved to her and then left.

Julian King was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. My suitcase and backpack were at his feet. He smiled when he saw me. He picked up my suitcase and walked out of the main gate. I shouldered my pack and followed him. He had already put my suitcase in the trunk of a cab waiting outside. He walked to the door of the cab and held it open for me. I got in the cab and he got in after me.

It was a 15 minute ride to the airport. We got out and I got out my passport and gave it to Julian King. We checked in my suitcase and reached the security check. We cleared it and walked to the waiting area. It was 8:30 and we had 1:30 hour to kill. So I told him about my flash the day before but only the part at the airport.

When I finished he said “Your, uh, gift is special, no doubt.” I snorted at that point and said “Yeah right. Some gift” “but you need to understand the difference in what is going to happen after sometime and what is going to happen in a short span of time. Your brain has the tendency to warn you of that. Tell me, was the picture slightly blurred? I’m pretty sure nothing’s going to happen to you today, especially when I’m watching over you. Don’t worry.” He continued as if I hadn’t said anything.

I was somewhat comforted by what he had said but only a little. I turned toward him and asked “Mr. King...”

“Call me Julian.” He cut me off.

“Okay, Julian can you do magic? I just wondered because you can seal your mind against my assaults and you even felt my presence in your mind.” “Yes I am. Me and your father. Not Sam Connors but your real father, Michael Welsh. Your mom and your dad died when you were very young, around 5. You and your brother, Max. Your... ”

“My twin brother.” I completed the sentence for him. Julian looked shocked. He asked me “How did you know? No one was supposed to tell you that.” I told him what I hadn’t told him concerning the blackout. “Why didn’t you tell me this when you told me about the creature?” “I wasn’t sure about anything but when you mentioned my brother I remembered how much the boy, Max, looked like me so I guessed.” I replied.

“What was my mother’s name?” I asked changing the subject. “Catherine Welsh.” He replied. “How did you know them?” “Your father and I used to work together then we became the best of friends. Your father was a good man. Karen is his sister. They shouldn’t have died the way they did.”

He removed his wallet from his pocket and showed me a picture inside it. “This was taken 2 days after their wedding.”Julian said. It had 3 people in it. Julian, a man and a woman. The man was very handsome with straight blond hair and sparkling blue eyes like mine and Max’s. He had a small scar on his cheek but it only flattered his features even more.

The woman was beautiful. She had straight, blond hair with striking green eyes with a mischievous glint in them. Her smiling face and the slight curve of her eyebrows suddenly reminded of a woman bouncing me on her knees when I was a baby.

When I saw the picture memories of my parents came flooding back into my mind. I remembered my mom putting me to sleep while singing me a lullaby in her soft sweet voice. I remembered my dad throwing me up in the air and catching me again. I also remembered all the times I’d argued with my brother as a baby. Little did I know I was not going to see my brother for 10 to 11 years? I don’t know how much time I was dreaming about them.


Author's note:  hello :) I hope you like this chapter. It is my longest chapter yet and i loved writing about alexis and alisson(aren't they the best?) and also you will start to learn more about alexis and her family too.sorry I updated late,I had a geography paper :( 

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Thank you and have a great day.

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