Unfaithful - 13

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Ruby's P.O.V.

“ Well old honey I’ve got to say this is a pretty fine little place you’ve got here.” I stated as I stood in the middle of the little hut.

Tobias never did catch me as we raced up the small hill and Carl found it hilarious because apparently Beauty was supposed to be the fastest mare in town but what can I say, my Beast was the best. All three of our horses were tied up outside while we all sat inside.

The hut itself was very mannish, you could tell by its appearance. A mattress lay on the floor while blankets were scattered everywhere and a lone armchair sat in the corner, there was some bottles lying about and weeds growing through the wood that the hut was built out of.

“ I’m not old Ruby. I’m 29.” He whined.

“ Yes and that makes you older than me which means your old.” I laughed.

“ Whatever.” He muttered.

I just laughed and walked over to Carl who was sitting in the armchair in the corner. I sat on the arm of the chair and stared out at the scenery in front of me, thinking back on what happened today.

I do feel now that I think about it that I had been childish with dealing with the whole Kris thing but I couldn’t help but want to have fun with it, I hadn’t had fun in so long because of my career and Darius that it felt nice to smile and laugh properly again.

“ Carl can I ask you something?” I asked, turning to him.

“ Sure what?” He asked me.

“ Do you think I was childish in the way I acted today?” I asked.

“ Well...now that I think about it, yeah I guess, I mean it could have been handled better but you made it into a really big thing.” He stated.

“ I know that and I feel bad but I couldn’t help but try and have some fun, I haven’t had that in a long time.” I told him honestly.

“ What actually happened when you were with Darius Ruby? you can talk to me, I won’t tell anyone.” He asked.

“ It’s a long story.” I sighed.

“ As you can guess we have allot of time.” He laughed.

“ I can’t talk about it with Tobias around, I don’t want the rest of the guys to know.” I whispered to him.

“ We’ll talk later then.” He said as I got up.

“ But Ruby we will talk.” He told me.

I nodded and looked around the room, I spotted a...was it a record player? I haven’t seen one of those since I was tiny. I remember going over to my mom’s home country of Malta to see grandma and grandpapi when I was about 5, grandpapi would put on a record and everyone would start dancing but since grandma had a bad knee she couldn’t move around too much so grandpapi would dance with me instead. As I grew up he taught me all kinds of different dances but I enjoyed the argentine tango the most. My cousin Anthony who was my mom’s sister’s son used to be my dance partner whenever I was over in Malta which used to be every year until I married Darius; the argentine tango was grandpapi’s favourite. The last time I saw them all was a year after I married him then all my ties were cut with them because of him and my stupid movie career.

“ Pueden cualquiera de usted viejo tango de los hombres?” I asked.

“ What?” Tobias asked turning to me.

“ Can any of you old men Tango?” I asked again this time in English.

“ What’s a Tango?” They both asked at the same time.

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