Ego: Hurt

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"...the devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for ..." - Unknown


"I know." She says, my heart rate quickens.

"What are you talking about?" I ask shakily.

She rolls up her sleeves revealing a few faded bruises.

"Don't leave him, you might actually be able to get him to stop, he can't control it."

"I-I have to go." I walk past her and back down to the dinning room.

"So then I said bang her? I barely know her." Greg tells horrible jokes but everyone gives him their best fake laugh.

After a couple hours at lunch Harry decides it's time for us to go home.

"I'm so sleepy." I say as I enter the back seat of the car.

"When we get home you can sleep." I was going to anyway I didn't exactly need your permission.

Why am I so vocal in my head but when it comes to other people especially Harry I don't know how to talk.

"She's pretty." I compliment Leah.

"Yeah, she is." He smiles as if remembering some long forgotten memory. I know for a fact he doesn't smile like that whenever or if someone brings me up.

"Did you ever hit her?" He grips the steering wheel tighter as the words fall effortlessly from my lips.

"Does that matter?" He clenches his teeth staring hard through the windshield.

"It does." I want to know if I'm the first like how he was the first in everything for me.

"A few times yeah." He answers driving onto the highway.

"Is that why you guys broke up?" I ask looking at him.

"No we just stopped seeing each other. Are you done with the questions?"

"Yes." One word answers tonight.

We drive the rest of the way in silence, I have nothing to say and neither does he.

"I'm going for a drink."

"Okay." I say shrugging, I don't know what I'm mad at, its either that he still apparently has feelings for Leah or the because he hit her too.

"Okay, what?"

Fuck off, I groan inwardly.

"Okay. What do you expect me to say if I tell you don't go you hit me if I don't answer you get upset and go anyways so do whatever you want I'm going to sleep." With that I go to the room I'm currently sleeping in, I'm surprised he didn't hit me or pull my hair like he's recently been doing.

I shower and change back into my pyjamas, mid morning naps in a cold room are damn amazing.

I snuggle into my duvet and grab my phone, I stick in the headphones and go straight to YouTube watching a few videos from RPGminx, I decide on her Sherlock Holmes gameplay video and settle in.


A few hours later I'm awoken by the front door creaking shut. Harry's heavy feet pad up the steps, a loud thud is heard followed by some quiet cuss words.

I climb out of bed, just in time to see him get up, I flick the switch and he's a bloody mess, I mean literally bloody.

"What happened to you?!" I asked frantically taking him into the bathroom.

"I was jumped." He says and my heart drops to my stomach.

"By who? Did they rob you? Should I call the police?" The questions are flying out as he unbuttons his shirt and pulls it off.

"Baby I have a really bad headache, can we talk about it tomorrow." I nod my head and start cleaning him up.

"You're too good for me." He says quietly while I clean the dirt and blood from his forehead. I rinse off the cloth when I'm finished and bandage him up, a butterfly bandage on the little split on his eyebrow, one on his cheek and another on the top of his nose.

"They fucked you up." I joke quietly with a smile on my face, he gives me a hearty laugh, this is the Harry I fell in love with, minus the cuts and bruises. But even with them he is still the love of my life.

"I love you Harry."

"I love you Val." He smiles pulling me lightly so our lips meet, the kiss is delicate and sweet, it has to be one of the best kisses I have ever had.

Suddenly Harry's phone vibrates on the counter, face down as usual. He puts up a finger and excuses himself.

"Did it go down without any problems?" He asks the caller.

"Wait who?"

"Fuck! I'll be there in ten minutes." He quickly hangs up, without a word of information he leaves in quite a hurry. I'm dumbfounded and really curious but mainly worried. What could have happened that made him leave in such a hurry?

Not one of my best but I was so upset today, I try not to let my emotions affect my writing but sometimes it get to me. Next chapter will be in Harry's POV only so be excited.

Same goal as last time?

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