Chapter 40

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finally it's out! thank you to casey who was the ONLY one of my fans to give me an idea. plus she wrote PROPS TO CASEY! school is hard...and time consuming. so it's hard for me to write a new chapter every week. but during Thanksgiving break i shall be writing.

haha enjoy :)


"Miley freaking Christine! Get out of Dreamland and get ready, dude! We need to be at the party in an hour, and you don't even have your hair or makeup done!" Melissa said.

"Melissa, chill your beans, I'm just going to... straighten my hair and pin it back, I guess," I said.

"Heck to the no! Sit, sit, let Madam Melissa do everything!" she said. I laughed at her accent and sat down. "Wait, first we need music!"

"You know where my iHome and iPod are," I said.

"We're listening to my iPod, because I got this one song stuck in my head, and I doubt it's on yours," she said.

"Um, alright then," I said.

Soon Melissa was blasting music, and singing along while doing my hair and makeup. It was slightly painful, because she'd burn my neck or my scalp every once in a while.

"Yes, the good song is about to play." Melissa stopped doing my hair. "Waiting... Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want

So tell me what you want, what you really really want

I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want

So tell me what you want, what you really really want

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really

Really really wanna zigazig ha!"

I laughed as Melissa danced around with her portable brushophone. She looked quite weird, with her perfectly done hair and her "party dress" as she calls it, going crazy in my room.

"Melissa, you're going to ruin your hair!" I said.

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