Chapter 26

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Niall's POV

We pulled up to the restaurant to see a big red carpet. This must be a really fancy place. I got out of the car and walked around the other side to open the door for Charlie, she hopped out and grabbed my hand and our fingers interlocked.

We walked down the red carpet, following Charlie's dad inside.

When we walked inside, there was people everywhere, all the tables were packed and the place was really full.

In the corner there was a table with just a girl sitting alone, she looked a lot like someone I know. I stared at her for a bit but still couldn't get my finger on who it was.

"Right this way!" the waiter said, we followed him to the table where the girl was sitting alone.

Charlie's dad pecked the girl on the lips and sat next to her, this must be his new girlfriend.

I sat next to Charlie on the opposite side. This couldn't of been more awkward.

"Niall, this is Susan Cox, Susan, this is Niall Horan." Charlie's dad happily said.

Wait a second, Susan Cox?!

Oh my god no.

No it can't be.

But it is.

This is terrible.

I let go off Charlie's hand under the table and clenched my fists in anger. I felt this energy boil up inside me as I kept looking at Susan.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Charlie whispered into my ear while stroking my thigh.

"Il tell you later." I spat back.

I grabbed a menu and decided on what I was gonna have.

"Ready to order?" The waiter said.

"Il have the cheese burger" i smiled.

"I will have...the pizza!" Charlie spoke.

"I'm gonna have spaghetti" Charlie's Dad calmly said.

"And I will have the roughest bit of pork you guys have" Susan cackled, it made my skin crawl. I've never hated anyone as much as her.

"Need to get some air" I coughed and got up from the table walking outside. If I stayed any longer I would explode and hurt someone.

Charlie's POV

Niall got up from the table and rushed quickly outside. My dad gave me a funny look, while his girlfriend had a smirk on her face. What was wrong with Niall?

"I'm gonna go see if he's okay.." I mumbled and got up and walked outside. Niall was walking behind the restaurant and I followed him, I've never seen him like this before.

He picked up a huge stone and started to break it with his bare hands. He must be so strong, I struggle breaking a pencil.


He turned around and his eyes were bright red, you could see his fangs drooling from out his mouth, he had ripped his jacket and his shoes. I tried not to make eye contact because I didn't wanna show fear.

"Charlie" he walked up to me, wrapping me around him, I kissed him on the lips to try calm down. He sits down on the floor leaning against the wall, I go to sit next to him and cuddle around him, it was also quite cold tonight.

"Are you okay?"

"No." Niall sighed sadly.

"What's wrong?"

"Susan cox, that's what fucking wrong." He spat, I saw his fists clench.

"What's wrong with her?"

"What's wrong with her? Everything's wrong with her."

"Niall tell me!" I started to get annoyed at the tone of voice he was using with me.

"We're in danger, well. I'm in danger being around her."


"Il loose my temper and lash out"

"Tell tell me what's wrong with her!" I raised my voice.

"She's a fucking vampire hunter alright!" He shouted back at me. I was stunned for a minute. Vampire hunter?

"Could she hurt you?" I started to worry.

"Not only is she a vampire hunter, she's a werewolf as well. She eats humans, she's one of the evil ones. You and your dad are in great danger Charlie."

I didn't know what to say to that so I nodded and cuddled him. He gets so angry quickly and I hate it. I need to find a way to calm him down before one day he hurts me or something!

"Babe, I would never hurt you!" He whispered in my ear leaving kisses on my neck, for goodness sake he read my mind again.

"Wanna go back to mine?" he said looking up at me.

"You go home, I have to stay for the dinner and on the way back il come to yours"

"Bring me my meal in a doggy bag or something." he smirked at got up and left in a flash. Swear that boy loves food more than me. I got up from where I was sitting and went back into the restaurant, I started to shake a bit about the thought of Susan killing me and my dad, but Niall can protect me.

"Where's Niall?"

"He's gone home..something happened at his house, I'm going over there after dinner to see if he's alright"

"You can stay the night as well if you want, me and Susan need our alone time"

Never been so disturbed in my life.

Our food arrived and I asked if I could take Nialls meal home in a bag or something, but they wouldn't so it looks like I'm gonna have to stop somewhere to bring him food.

"So, Charlie, what GCSES are you taking?" Susan asked.

"English, maths, science, history, media and drama" I bluntly replied.

"Sounds interesting"

"Charlie wants to be a photographer, but that won't make her any money at all, maybe she could work with you once she's finished school?" My dad butted in.

"Urm no, it's my life dad. Not yours."

"It would be lovely for Charlie to come work with me"

"You know what! I'm done" I got up from my seat and walked out of the restaurant to a taxi. If my dad thinks he can control my life for me, then he's got another thing coming.


So Susan's a vampire hunter, what do you think is gonna happen?

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I love each and every single one of you

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That Blonde Haired BoyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora