Chapter 7- The Power Of Blackmail

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Chapter 7- The Power Of Blackmail

I watched the clock closely on the wall waiting for the bell to ring signaling the end of class. I was not looking forward to my next class with Thomas, but the closer to the end of the day it got, the happier I was. I could endure it. I was also eager to learn who the girl from yesterday was; the one that was talking and laughing with him in the hallway.

I wasn’t jealous at all. I was just…curious. It’s not my business what he does. In fact I should honestly be thanking the girl for providing him with such a distraction. The more time he spent with her, the less he spent with me. I suppose that was something, right?

“Why do you look like someone just stole your favorite pen?” Megan asked leaned back in her desk looking amused.

I rolled my eyes. “Dreading next period.”

She laughed. “Why? All you do is cook.”

“Actually there is a lot of book work involved too.”

“Please pass your completed worksheet to the front of your rows. The homework assignment is written on the bored,” Mrs. Evers announced from the comfy chair at her desk.

After writing my name at the top of the paper I gladly passed it forward feeling oddly confident I did well on the worksheet. Studying was my distraction from a certain gorgeous guy that I was currently sharing a house with and would continue to do so until Sunday when I had no choice but to go back home.

After explaining to my mom Grace’s situation and her fear of being alone she hesitantly agreed to let me stay. However, if she had known that Deacon was staying with us I’m sure that would have been a definite no. Thankfully she didn’t ask about him though, or I would have been forced to lie and let’s face it, I’m not so great at it. I often forget the things I’ve lied about and it somehow manages to always come up sometime in the future and usually at the most inconvenient times.

Seeing as my mother was oblivious to Deacon staying home while attending college, it proved to be very useful. There was no need to enlighten her if she didn’t ask.

Megan and I walked from the classroom to our lockers and exchanged our books for ones needed in our next class. Farrah and Grace soon joined us, but didn’t stick around to talk very long. Grace had to meet with one of her teachers before class started and Megan had to meet someone. Farrah, however, seemed oddly depressed and excused herself as well without providing much of an excuse.

It was quite odd not seeing her as her normal cheery self, but I could only assume that had something to do with Blake and that was not a surprise. He’d been ditching her lately for various reasons and she was getting annoyed.

With my friends doing their own things I walked to Food1 alone. Upon entering I quickly spotted Thomas and some red haired girl sitting at our table talking. I immediately recognized her as Julia from one of my classes from last year. We spoke a few times, but were never more than anything besides acquaintances. She had never sat with us in this class before so my interest was now piqued.

“Hi,” I said politely taking a seat across from Thomas.

They both grinned up at me and smiled, though I could sense something more behind his smile. No doubt this was his next conquest, as was the girl in the hallway yesterday I’m sure.

“Hi, Olivia,” Julia said in an overly friendly high pitched voice. It was enough to make me wince, but she was too concentrated on Thomas to notice.

I inconspicuously tried to listen in on their conversation to hear what it was about. Nosey, I know, but I was curious was here.

Over the rumbled of the class I caught a few words here and there and some useful bits of information. As I expected she was his next conquest and they apparently had some plans to go somewhere this weekend. I didn’t catch where nor did I care. The less I knew the better. I just wanted my suspicions confirmed. Though, the nagging question of the girl from yesterday was still in the back of my mind. If he’s asking Julia out then what role did tall, tan, and raven haired beauty play in all of this?

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