He thinks youre using him pt2

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He thinks you're using him pt2


You ran up to your and Louis's bedroom and start gathering your stuff. You shed silent tears as you packed your bags. You hear the front door slam open and heavy footsteps run up the steps just you are zipping up your bag.

"Y/N." Louis breathes out in relief as he sees you but then gasps as he sees you with bags in your hands.

"Excuse me, sir, but I have a flight to catch." You mumble as you try to pass him but he blocks your way.

"No! Listen to me first!" He exclaims and you snap back, "Like how you listened to me first?"

He sighs and hangs his head in shame before saying, "I know, I didn't listen to you and I'm very sorry. I just have been getting these rumors about you using me and I instantly believed it. I'm sorry, baby. Please forgive me?"

You stare into those pained grayish blue eyes and fall for it.

"Fine," you grumble making him beam, "But you do that again and I'm gone."

He nods seriously before attacking you with kisses.


You immediately go back to the flat you and Niall shared and sat down with some ice cream you just bought and some water with painkillers while watching a old episode of TVD. It was the one where Elena broke up with Stefan to keep her family safe.

You hear Niall scoff when he sees you watching it and then stomp upstairs. You cry as it got to the part Elena finally was breaking it off with Stefan and remember the incident that happened an hour ago. You suddenly hear Niall running down the stairs and into the kitchen where you were(yes a tv in the kitchen).

"Y/N, why didn't you tell me?" You hear your boyfriend sigh.

You sigh realizing he must have seen the pads in the bathroom. You ignore him though because you weren't in the mood to explain anything right now.

"I'm sorry, princess. I shouldn't have said all that. Please forgive me. I actually... Didn't have enough cash on hand with me? And I forgot my wallet." He admits and you turn to look at him before bursting out laughing.

"Honey, you could have told me!" You shake your head as you giggle and he smiles knowing he's forgiven and joins you to watch the Stelena breakup.


You gape at the door in shock and then pick up your bags before running down the street to Niall's house. You tell him what's going on and Niall sighs and tells you about the trends going on twitter.

#Y/NisusingZayn and #Y/Nonlycametostealspotlight is trending a lot. Your eyes water as you realize the reason for Zayn's treatment. You know now the answer to Simons question as you call him up.


"Simon. It's Y/N. I just wanted to tell you that I don't want to be performing with Ed. Thanks. Bye." You say and then hang up and lay down on the couch as Niall sighs.

You had fallen asleep on his couch and awoke to someone's hand caressing your face. You peep open your eye to see Zayn standing over you, looking at you with regret and sorrow.

"I'm sorry, babe. I just got worried over the tweets. I shouldn't have listened to them though. Please come back." He whispers and you nod and kiss his beautiful lips.

"I'll come back babe."

"Oh and who told you not to dance for Ed?" Zayn asks as you both laid in bed.


"Y/N? What's up?" Your friend asks.

"Do you have extra pads at home? I need some cuz I left my money at home." You mumble and your friend agrees to drop some off at your house.

For the mean time you put on some tissues and go home with Liam. You were in the shower when Your friend came to drop off the packet. Liam got the door and widened his eyes at the bag.

"Oh hey, she brought them!" You exclaim before running to put one on.

Liam stood outside the door and knocked.

"Babe? What did you buy what you needed to buy?" He asks. Oh so now he cares.

"No." You mutter loudly and he sighs frustratedly.

"Why do you always need my money? Where's yours? Can't you just use yours for once?" He starts blasting questions at you and you open the door.

"I'M SORRY IF I FORGOT MY WALLET AT HOME LIAM! MY BAD!" You scream before stomping downstairs.

"Wait, so you aren't using me?" He gulps as you chop fruits.

"Of course not! I know better than to do that." You say and he apologizes with a few kisses to your neck.

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