Chapter 47

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I opened my drawer and pulled out my necklace with Draco’s ring on it. I had found it easier to forget about him without the ring, but with everything mended, I felt that I had to wear it. I also felt kind of guilty for putting it away, but I can’t turn back time now. I felt more complete with it on. I wasn’t as whole as I was if I could’ve been with Draco, but it was enough at the time. If he was risking his life for me, the least I could do was proudly wear his engagement ring.

“You’re wearing it again,” Kam smiled at me when I met her down in the common room before breakfast. “I thought you had put it away because it reminded you too much of him.”

I shrugged. “I saw him this morning.”

A huge smile spread out on her face. “Seriously? That is so romantic.”

“It was the last night for us,” my voice cracked from trying not to cry. “He’ll be leaving tonight.”

She nodded. “I know. Blaise filled me in on everything. We’re supposed to stay up here in the tower, where we’ll be the safest. Blaise swore they wouldn’t come up to the tower because they’re only after one thing. He wouldn’t tell me what it was.”

“I know,” I sighed. “Draco’s been behind it all year, and he told me just two months ago.”

“That’s why you wanted to distance yourself,” she nodded in understanding. “Is it really that bad though?”

“He has to murder someone,” I shook my head to keep the tears from coming. “I’m so worried about his soul. Murdering tears the soul; I just know it. It’s not right, which means that his soul is in danger. Kam, I love him so much.”

She pulled me into a hug. “I can’t imagine what you’re going through. My boyfriend just has to be there and stand guard. Poor Draco, No wonder why he’s been looking gaunt these days. I mean, if I had to murder someone, I would go into the pits of insanity and back.”

I pulled away from her so I could wipe my tears away. “He really has, and we falling for each other didn’t add to his sanity much. I mean, I’ve pretty much gone bonkers because of the constant of wanting to be with him, but it’s absolutely not possible.”

“Well,” she said, helping me fix myself, “I’m so hungry I could eat a hippogriff. Let’s go grab a bite to eat.”

I let her lead me down the Great Hall where we saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione in a huddle at the Gryffindor table. My automatic instinct was to warn them about what was going on that night, but then they would know that I had for sure dated Draco, someone they already singled out as a Deatheater. I just hated the fact that they had been right from the start.

“Hey, guys,” Ron smiled at us as we sat down next to him. “What’s wrong, Court?” he asked, putting his arm around me at once.

“What makes you think there’s something wrong?” I asked and leaned my head on his shoulder.

“First, your eyes are red as if you’ve been crying,” he wiped at the corner of one of my eyes. “Second, you’re letting me put my arm around you, which you would’ve said that we aren’t like that when I’m trying to comfort you, and it was all because I was teasing you about your turn was next. Court, I could never like you like that. You’re my sister, and nothing is going to change that.”

I smiled. “Thanks, Ron. That was very touching.”

“It’s been known to happen sometime,” he chuckled. “So, what’s the matter?”

I shrugged. “Nothing important.”

“If it made you cry, it has to be bloody important,” he said, putting his head on top of mine.

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