The Joys Of A New School

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We were the last to pull in.  Maddy was sitting on the hood of her car talking to Harry who was leaning up against her car.  Niall, Louis and Zayn were playing soccer, in Liam's parking space.  Liam hit the breaks hard.  He jammed the palm of his hand into the horn, making everyone around us jump.  I rolled down my window as they moved their game to my spot.  "What did you guys think you were doing?" I said as Liam parked the car.  I opened my door, smoothed my outfit out and grabbed my bag from the backseat.  "There's your problem, we weren't thinking." Louis responded trying to seem smart, but it just made him look even more stupid.  As I started walking toward them, Liam came up behind me and grabbed my hand.  I blushed.  

We made our way over to the rest of the group and I joined Maddy on the hood of the car, as Liam, followed, refusing to talk to Harry.  He was still mad about earlier.  Harry turned around and rested his arms on the hood.  "Liam, why are you so annoyed?  I was kidding.  Even Char knows that." he looked to me for a second opinion.  "Really babe, he was kidding." I rubbed his shoulder trying to get him to forgive Harry.  There was silence as Liam walked over and hit Harry upside the head, again.  "Okay I'm good now." he said as he walked over to join the rest of the guys.  "Ow!" Harry said as he was rubbing his head.  Both Maddy and I were trying not to laugh as Harry gave us both looks.  

I hoped off the car, and hugged him.  "You'll be okay." I ran my fingers through his massive lots of curly brown hair.  Everyone in the parking lot froze for a second to watch.  I looked up at everyone and they all fled.  The perks of being the most popular girl at school.  I released Harry, but he wouldn't let go of me.  I looked to Maddy to help.  She jumped down and grabbed the back of Harry.  I turned around to the guys on the ground, from cracking up.

Harry walked over to them and was about to punch Niall, as Zayn grabbed his fist and shot it down.  "You guys can't just walk around hitting each other all the time.  We don't need Niall to have another black eye or Louis to break another bone." I said recalling former fights.  "Niall getting punched by Liam was pretty funny." Zayn commented on the argument over something stupid.  "No, the funny part was when Niall attempted to punch him back and ended up on the ground for taking to stong of a back swing." Louis added high-fiving Zayn.  "Whatever it was.  It's over, can we just get through a day please?" I questioned.  "Okay." five straight faces responded.

"Good, then what are we waiting for?" I spun around and started walking towards the school.  I heard them all behind me grabbing their stuff and trying to catch up.  I stopped to wait for a minute.  Liam and Maddy came walking up to me.  Liam and I locked fingers and started walking.  One by one, the rest of the guys caught up.  We were almost to the door when we all looked behind us, to see Niall stumbling to catch up.  He had his sweatshirt sleeve half on and his bag open with stuff hanging out.  Maddy next to me giggled.  "Are you okay?" she asked.  Niall looked up at her and she couldn't keep eye contact with him.  "Yeah, I'll be fine." he said as he finished shoving his stuff back into his bag.  

As he got back into order, we all kept walking.  He eventually caught up.  He started walking next to Maddy, who then kept whispering into my ear about how cute he looked or something like that.  As we walked in the doors, it seemed like the whole school had to say hi to us all.  I was used to it.  The guys on the other hand weren't.  They stood there and waved like idiots to everyone who said hi.  The only one that caught on was Liam.  The two of us started talking about this afternoon.  The guys were going to a photo shoot, for the album cover.  Yes, they were going to a shoot in North Carolina.  All seven of us were getting out of school early.

We all got to our lockers, which were all next to each other.  Everyone but Niall and Louis had top lockers (for obvious height reasons).  When I got to my locker, there was a flyer on it.  I ripped it off and started reading.  "Guys! Listen for a sec." I began.  They all paused and looked at me.  I started reading the flyer out loud.  "Auditions for this year's school production of Oliver! are going to be held next week in the chorus room." I read.  "Seriously!" it seemed that Niall jumped ten feet in the air.  "I love that musical." Zayn said with a smile.  "I've always wanted to be in it!" Harry added.  Maddy shut her locker door.  "You guys are a shoe in for the major parts.  You've already got the accents down, and you obviously can sing." she said feeling confident in the guys.  Liam stayed quiet throughout the discussion.  He simply grabbed his stuff, shut his locker and started walking down the hall to his first class.

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