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[• You Shine Brighter Than Anyone Does •]

[• Prologue •]

Death watched as Kendra Hartman got hit by a car. A pretty woman, intelligent, caring. Her flaw (yes, she has a flaw, everyone does, dimwit)? When something tragic happens, she curls into a ball and shuts everyone she loves out. She becomes absolutely numb with a difference: pain still pierces her heart.

The poor woman had been through a lot. Recently her husband went out to dinner with some friends and never came back. Only Death knows he's still alive, just with some slutty chick twenty years younger than him.

Death then turned his attention to Elise Hartman, her daughter. She had her mother's looks, and her brains. Elise was stubborn though, like her father. She was an outcast because she was mourning.

Death finally peered at David Hartman, the cancer-stricken brother of the thirteen year old girl. Developing lung cancer at the ripe age of nine, David is a fighter, and is Elise's only reason to live. But her mother's death has broken her. Death senses she's on extremely thin ice... Until she'll do the deed and say goodbye to Life.

Death got up and picked up the Book, the endless amount of pages bound together recording everyone person in the world since the creation of Life itself, his sister, who they are, why they died, when they died, where they died... Everything. He picked up the pen he's been using for thousands of years and neatly wrote her name, Kendra Hartman and all her details. Finally, he got up, getting her life string from Life and cutting it. Now she will rest in peace in the Underworld.

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