Chapter 3

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I'm SOOOO sorry, I know it's been about a month since I last updated but school and stuff has kept me really ever I need feedback and stuff!!! (oh yeah follow me on twitter @Carrotgirl_1D_) 


Rachael <3 xox 

*Harry's POV*

"Harry!! Harry!!! HARRY!!" Sophies voice had become a screech, right now I just wasn't in the mood to sit and listen to her slag of every girl I knew. Thinking about it..why on earth was I going out with her? Sophie had changed, she had used to be a nice girl, but lately she had become hard and cold. She laughed at everyone and acted like she was so much much better than everyone else. She was neurotic and jealous and even tried to tell me that Louis wasn't popular enough for us to be friends with. I put my foot down over that but she constantly controlled me. I realised that Sophe had been talking and I wasn't even listening. " you agree with me?" 

"Hmm...what? Yeah of course babe." What I had I just agreed to? 

"You you'll leave that slut Mia alone, I can't believe you had coffee with her. I don't want you spending time with her" She smirked "I mean have you seen her?"

"Whoaa, Sophie, no!! I sick of you telling me what to do. I like Mia, why do you try and take away anything that makes me happy?" She put her arms around me, but I shook he off. "No Sophie, leave me alone!" I walked off, frustrated at myself and her. 

I took out my phone and text Mia, "Hey :) hows you? Haven't seen you in ages. X" I wasn't sure why but she never replied to my texts anymore, although I'd only known her a couple of days I really missed her. 

*Mia's POV*

I knew I was being silly but I couldn't reply to Harry. I just couldn't work out why he hadn't so much as mentioned that he had a girlfriend. I guess this just proves my theory that all boys are liars. 

It was Monday morning and my alarm went of at 6:30, in London I would never have dreamed of getting up this early but it was my first day and I wanted to make a good impression. I still hadn't met anyone else but Lucy and Harry, oh and Sophie of course. I couldn't wait to see Sophie again (NOT). I got up, ate breakfast, put on make-up (Just a little bit, I didnt want to look like I'd applied my make-up with a trowel) and put on my uniform. It was a boring black skirt, white shirt, red and black tie and a black blazer (I know - imaginative). I walked out th door and headed to school. Lucy and I had arranged to meet and walk together so we laughed and chatted. Ever since she had told me about Harry, I felt that we had become closer and I knew I could trust her. She knew how I felt about Harry and promised to support me today. 

We walked into our form room and Lucy introduced me to Laim, Louis, Zayn, Niall, Holly, Sarah and Julie. Laim had light brown curly hair (kinda similar to Harry's) and seemed really kind and undersatanding. Lucy explained that he was pretty mature but when he got out!! Laim and Sarah were going out; she was lovely and kind, with blonde hair and big brown eyes. Louis was Harry's best friend and was the most hilarious person I'd ever met, he and Holly clearly fancied each other but weren't actually going out - yet!! Zayn was quite vain, but could have easily been a model and he and Julie were going out. They were a perfect match because she was gorgeous as well. Niall was Irish and laughed at absolutely EVERYTHING!! I already knew that him and lucy were going out. After chatting fora  while I really liked everyone and felt like we could actually become good friends.

Louis looked over my shoulder and his face dropped, "Oh joy! Look who's come crawling back." 

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