Chapter One ~ Underage

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I pulled my light brown hair back in to its usual ponytail. In the mirror I saw my brilliant blue eyes that the mirror greeted me with every morning. They had an aqua ring bordering a dazzling inner blue, unlike my Uncle Severus's obsidian black. We couldn't be more different.

In fact, my uncle and me were completely contrasting.

His skin had a pale pallor to it, whilst mine obtained a healthy glow. His eyes looked angry and defeated, while mine showed nothing but the youth I begrudgingly possessed. All that I knew of my parents was that my father had been a brilliant wizard, unlike any other. My mother was never mentioned.

As for my father, it was extremely unlikely that he was so brilliant, because I had heard of no such man in any history books. The dates and sparse information given did not direct me to any factual person. I felt trapped in my own youth, as I had far surpassed the knowledge of those around me. Living on the Hogwarts grounds with my uncle my entire life, watching those students receive their education nonchalantly drove me insane. I wished so badly to join a lesson, to watch as a human other than myself spoke the words that I had already read and learnt twice over.

The cold words of a book cannot possibly meet the verbal notes of a teacher, surely not. I sighed and trudged out of my tiny room, down the hallways and in to the Grand Hall where leftovers met me on the tables. It wasn't too bad; Dumbledore kept the food warm and fresh. I didn't eat much, I spent more of my time gazing at the enchanted ceiling and muttering incantations to change the daylight scene into a more preferable midnight scene.

It felt odd, eating under the stars, but I found it pleasing to trick Dumbledore's own spells. It was as if I had won a duel with the man himself. There was something in the striking blue eyes of Dumbledore that made me believe that we were... connected.

Sighing, I shoved another spoonful of scrambled eggs in to my mouth.

"Elysia, aren't you supposed to be somewhere?" spoke a lingering voice, a voice that could only belong to that of my Uncle.

"Yes, Uncle, I am sorry. I will return to the library immediately." I sighed, leaving my barely touched meal to the house elves.

Bowing my head, I made no eye contact with my Uncle as I entered the library. Here, I would watch the students come and go, but one trio always amused me. They were none other than the infamous Harry Potter, a child that my Uncle had dreaded meeting for reasons that I did not know, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger.

I often found myself drawn to Hermione, our intellect highly similar. She was confusing, however, I wondered why she wasted her time with her adventurous counterparts rather than burying her head more in books and reaching her full potential.

They were first years, permitted to attend the classes that I envied so dearly. I was 10 and anticipating my acceptance letter from Professor McGonagall. I knew that I would attend Hogwarts even since I overhead Uncle speaking of it with the man, Lucius.

The first time that I had ever consciously performed magic was when I made a stray cat faithfully follow me everywhere. I then worked on its appearance, making its eyes shift in to an emerald green and its fur into a midnight black.

Uncle had taken the cat and lectured me on 'unnecessary attachments' and told me people frowned upon those who bent creatures to their wills.

Seating myself comfortably in an isolated armchair, I glanced around anxiously until I found the library suitably dormant. Sending my body upright, I began to walk towards a section in which I had avoided mercilessly since I had started reading these books for the very first time, five years ago.

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