Unexpected Assaults (17)

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Chapter 17

Alexis stared at the two guys in front of her. Adam and Kyle. Currently they were dozing on the couch, leaning on the arm rests on either side. They looked very relaxed. While she was cleaning. Which was not acceptable at all.

“Get up! Both of you!!” she shouted.

No reaction. Not even a single flicker of an eyelid or a twitch of a finger. Sleeping like the dead.

“What am I to do with you?” she muttered, turning around and washing the dishes. How many days was it since she had come here? Or to be precise, dragged here? Three days? Or was it two?

She screwed up her eyes in frustration.

Did it matter anyway? No one would be searching for her. And it was not as if she wanted to go back to the hell hole. But…she missed Mia. And Jared. And the whole lot. Wonder what they are doing at the moment?

She couldn’t even give a phone call.

Sigh…did they even miss her? Were they having fun? Did they take revenge from Class 2B for that cheap trick? She had been the one who organized the counter attack but since she got herself kidnapped…I wanna see my friends…

Alex let herself stay like that for a few seconds, her hands sunk in soap suds, wallowing in self pity, before rousing herself to start working. At least, I have fun here. And they haven’t filled me or threatened me. In fact, this was the most unusual kidnapping situation she had ever heard. They treated her well, she was allowed to wander around the house, she could eat good food (yeah, she was the cook, but whatever), she had a good room to sleep in.

She was fine. But she was lonely. Without Ash and Nate, the house was a little silent…she sighed.

Was she homesick?

By the time she had finished cleaning the dishes she had made a plan. To call Mia. Her withdrawal symptoms without Mia around was affecting her now. It was a reckless plan, but she had to listen to Mia’s voice.

All she had to do was to wait till Nate got back. And for night to fall.

She wiped her hands on her shirt. It was a faded green one, again over-sized. She frowned down at it.

"Am I meant to dress in Nate’s old clothes during her stay here?" she said to herself.

“You can have mine too.”

She jumped and stumbled into the sink. Kyle was standing in front of her, a grin on his face.

“You—weren’t you sleeping?”

“I was. But I woke up,” he said, stepping closer.



“You…you are,” she shifted back,” you are too close!”

He reached out a finger. Her eyes crossed over as she watched it draw nearer to her face.He brushed it along her cheek. Then he grinned.


“Soap suds,” he explained, showing her the froth on his finger.

“Oh. Uh, thanks.”

“Wait there’s more,” he said.

“Where?” she said, brushing her hand over her face.

“Chin up,” he ordered. She did as he ordered, staring up at the ceiling. Then she felt something wet on the right side of her neck. And a sharp pain.

He is Hot. He is Wicked and He is My Kidnapper.Where stories live. Discover now