Flying High

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"I'm so sorry." Dimitri whispered and I soon found myself in the arms of this stranger that I met less than an hour ago. There was just something about him that seemed to comfort me. I didn't even realize what was happening in that moment. All I could focus on was his strong arms that were protectively wrapped around me-holding me. Telling me that even though bad things were happening now, I wasn't going to go through it alone.

Soon enough Pam was by my side trying to pull me away from him. She was saying something to me that I wasn’t even registering in my mind. My mind wouldn’t even let me process what exactly was going on. I felt myself crashing to the ground, however, my body never hit the concrete. Soon enough I felt like I was flying; like I was dreaming. I closed my eyes and let the feeling take over. The feeling of his arms around me as I was soaring through the sky. I felt like I was free, but not sure of what. 

"Open your eyes, my little Aurora," the soothing sound of his voice was in my ear. I opened my eyes at his request only to find the most stunning sight all around me. I was high up in the sky, level with the clouds. I don't know how, but I was suspended in mid-air and he was actually here. He was here, with me. I attempted to turn my head to look at him, but he stopped me.

"Not yet, it's not time," he pulled me closer to him, which I didn't think was possible. I wanted to look at him so bad. I didn’t understand why he wouldn’t let me. Dream Dmitri was just as mysterious as the real one. With him, up in my sky dream, I was able to forget everything that was happening in the real world. I was able to forget that I was pregnant and kicked out of the house by the people who I thought loved me.

"Can we stay up here forever?" I didn't want to ever go back home and have to deal with all those problems that I would come face to face with.

"It'll be okay, little one. I promise you, everything will be okay. You have me now." He whispered. I closed my eyes again, willing for the feeling of being free to stay. However, when I opened my eyes it was all gone. The clouds, the feeling of floating and being free.. it was all just gone.

I found myself standing outside of an orphanage, the same one that I was at until I was ten years old. This place was forever embedded in my memory. The friendly staff members that were always keeping an eye on me. Meals in the large cafeteria with all of the other children. Playing outside everyday as we were required to get some sort of physical activity.

"Aurora, it's so nice to see you again," A woman came out of the large doors. She was an older woman, probably in her early 50s. Upon a closer look I recognized this woman. Her name was Marcy, she was the woman who looked after me when I was here before I was taken in by Sonya and Jason. When I was here she was like a mom to me, which could have gotten her fired. I ran into her arms, I haven't seen her in six years, but as soon as I was in her arms it felt like I never left.

"Little One, please don't cry." Dmitri was once again by my side, placing a attentive hand on my back.

"Dmitri, thank you for bringing her. I'm sure seeing Pam was hard for her; the whole situation is. I assure you that I will take great care of her and your are welcome to see her after I get her settled in." Marcy spoke to Dmitri like I wasn't even there. I was glad that she didn't ask me anything about what happened. It seemed to me that she already knew. Did Pam tell her? Did Sonya and Jason call her? 

"Let me know as soon as I can see her. Laundry needs to be done." Dmitri moved away from me and as soon as he was gone it was like every good thing left my body. I felt empty on the inside, like my life had been taken away from me. Why did this boy, who I just met, have such an affect over me? It was like I was being hypnotized by his presence. Or maybe I just had a strong connection because he has shown me more affection today than anyone else.

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