Preference #34: Your kids names *5SOS*

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5SOS preference #34: Your kids names(:

A/N: This is gonna be a One Direction & 5sos preference book.... You can request for both as many times as you want. It's numbered as #33 instead of #1 because I'm going my how many preferences I write. From now on all of these preference are MINE, if you use please give me credit here or on my tumblr. My tumblr is but it looks kinda crappy, I'm gonna fix it or make a new one in a few weeks. It has some of my preferences on there.

Boy(s): Leo Michael Hood
Lucas Thomas Hood

Girl(s): Lacey Marie Hood

Boy(s): Noel Robert Clifford

Girl(s): Madeline Rose Clifford

Boy(s): Jacob Andrew Irwin
Ezra Tanner Irwin

Girl(s): Ariana Cynthia Irwin

Boy(s): Xavier Carter Hemmings

Girl(s): AnnaClaire Sophie Hemmings
Charlotte Marie Hemmings


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