Not Again (Sequel to "Kidnapped to Marry the Prince of Vampires)

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"Mom! Please! Talk Dad into letting me see Justin!" Rein cried, teary eyed.

"I'm sorry Rein. I'm with your father on this. Justin isn't who he seems."

"What's that supposed to mean?! I LOVE HIM!!!"

"Rein! Enough! I've made my decision and I forbid you from seeing him!" Bentley yelled.

"Mom! Do something!" Rein begged me.

I looked at her with apologetic eyes. I couldn't bare to see my own daughter cry. "Rein go to your room. I'll be up to talkl to you in a minute."

Rein stomped her foot and ran off to her room to cry.

I sighed. "Bentley, she's upset. I don't like seeing her like this."

"Well it's for her own good. Bridget, I killed Justin with my own hands. He turned to dust. You saw it yourself. He's not a vampire and you know it."

"What if it's not the same Justin she's talking about?"

"Justin. She said he was one of your servants and described him down to the t. How many people look and have the same name like him?"

"You're right." I said in defeat. "I'll go talk to her."

"No. WE will go talk to her."

I rolled my eyes and went to Rein's room with Bentley by my side. We walked up the 7 floors worth of stairs...I keep telling Bentley we need an elevator in the castle, but he won't hear of it. He says it's good for the health...I have no idea what he means by that...Vampires don't die from illnesses.

'No but they suffer.' He said through my mind.

"I really hate it when you do that." I said blankly to him.

"Hey, I'm not stopping you from reading my mind."

"I don't want to read your mind. I like surprises." I said.

"And I don't. You're just lucky I'm not pawing through your mind, looking for what you have planned for my birthday."

"And it's gonna stay that way." I warned him.

"Can't make any promises, babe."

"Then, you won't get your surprise. I'll just forget about your birthday and ignore you all day."

"You know you can't ignore THIS" He said raking his hands up and down his body.

I rolled my eyes. We finally go to the children's floor. Rein's room was the 1st room on the right. We arranged our children's rooms by age. The older children are closer to the stairs and the younger children's rooms are closer to mine and Bentley's room, which is at the end of the hallway. As of now, There are 4 empty rooms next to mine and Bentley's. One of them is being redecorated for baby Sol. Only a one month until he arrives.

I knocked on Rein's door. "Rein? Can I come in?" I asked through the door. SHe didn't answer. "Rein? Answer me." Still no answer.

"Rein Sunshine Vanderbelt!! Answer your mother!" Bentley commanded...loudly I might add. (Another one of our many powers...supersonic voices when needed.) All the children came out of their rooms, wondering what was happening or wanted to see someone get in trouble for their own amusement. Bentley only uses 'the voice' when he's angry. "Rein!!" He jiggled the handle, but it was locked. "OPEN THIS DOOR!!"

"Rein. If you don't open this door when I count to three, we're knocking it down." I threatened. "1.......2.....2 and a half.....3!"

"Back up sweetheart. I don't want you or the baby to get hurt." Bentley said protectively to me. He backed up and rammed the door down with his super speed and super strength combined...He probably could've opened the door with just his strength, but no. He was to angry to be sensible. Of course the hinges of the door ripped off the wall, bringing down a huge chunk of the wall with it.

"Ugh Bentley! This is gonna take weeks to repair!" I scolded him.

"Bridget, I think you should come in here."

"Why? Did you destroy something els-" I stopped talking when I saw him staring at a piece of paper. He was sitting down on Rein's bed just staring blankly at it. "Bentley? What's wrong?" He didn't answer. "BENTLEY!" I screamed at him. He didn't move a budge. All the kids came into Rein's room with curiosity. Storm was holding Stella, the baby of the family..for now. They all had worried looks on their faces. "BENTLEY!!!! ANSWER ME!!!" I exclaimed. Still no answer. That's it. I'm going into his mind.

'No. It can't be. This can't be true. Dear Mom and Dad, I've run away with Justin. He loves me and you can't stop us from being together. I'll call you when we get settled...We're getting married. I'm sorry I left without saying goodybye, but I'm in love. I don't care what Justin did in his past...He's a different person now. I love you all. Rein. Justin got to her. '

I gasped. I slapped Bentley out of his trans. "OW! Why did you do that?!"

"You weren't answering me!!! And Rein ran away with Justin?!?!"

The children all gasped. "Rein's gone?" Storm asked, not believing his ears.

"Yes. It's all here in the note." Bentley said.

"We have to find her Bentley!" I cried.

"We will." He said standing up to hug me. I criedinto his chest. "Don't worry. I'll find her no matter what it takes."

Not Again (Sequel to "Kidnapped to Marry the Prince of Vampires)Where stories live. Discover now