Trusting a Wolf

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I shoved my last box of possessions into the small U-Haul moving van.  I’m glad I’m finally moving from this depressing place that once felt so warm, that was once my home.  Now I have a new home in Canby, Oregon, my birth town.  I moved to Pennsylvania when I was about 6.  After my mother died from cancer, my father wanted to get as far away from Canby as possible.  So, we landed on a Pennsylvania reservation for Native American, just like the one we left. My thoughts were interrupted when my father called my name.

“Tala, where are you?!  We need to hit the road kid,” he called from the garage.  He must not have notice I was right behind the truck which was in front of the garage.

“I’m right here dad.  No need to yell.”

 “Sorry.  You have all of your stuff?,” he asked as he came towards the back of the van with the last box in his hands.  I took it from him and slid it into the van.

 “Yup,” I smiled at him weakly.  He needs to know I’m going to be okay. Even If I’m not, he shouldn’t have to know how difficult this is.

“Ok then.  Well, I guess were done.”  My father said as he turned towards the house, taking one last look.  I backed away from the van and leaned against the bumper of my dad’s car which I would be driving on the trip.  My dad grabbed the rope that was hooked up to the vans back door and pulled on it with some effort, causing the small garage door to slide close.  He turned around to face me once he made sure the door was securely closed.  Shoving his hand into his pocket, he pulled out his car keys and dangled them in front of me.  

“Okay, here are the keys.  Please wear your seatbelt,” I rolled my eyes but grabbed the keys saying

“If it makes you happy.”  Once he seemed satisfied with my answer I jogged over to his Hyundai Sonata.  After I got the door open, I plopped down in the seat and buckled my seatbelt as promised.  I leaned my head back only imagining the long trip ahead of me.  Driving all the way to Oregon wasn’t exactly one of the top 10 things goals in life.  Once I snapped out of my trance I put the key into the ignition and shifted into drive.

“Here we come Oregon,”  I said to myself.  Now that I was alone I could clear my thoughts.  I could just relax.  It seemed too quiet in the car though, so I popped in my My Chemical Romance CD and pressed play.  Once it began to play I turned up the music so that the speakers on the side doors vibrated.  I was on my way to a new life now, the old life I had left ten years ago.


I was extremely tiered by the time we pulled into a motel.  My father pulled up right next to me in the U-Haul and gave a small wave.  We had driven for 12 hours with some bathroom breaks in between.  I never felt so ready to go to sleep in my entire life.

Once I pulled myself out of the car I walked after my dad sluggishly who had already entered the motel lobby.  As I entered the lobby, a wall of cold air hit me it the face but I kept on walking.  The place smelled like furniture polish and Ferbreze which was burning my nose.  My dad was leaning against the front counter talking to a very unenthused lady.  I sat down in a stiff leather chair that was commonly found in a dentist office.  I thought to myself what would possess someone to buy a chair like this.  It’s so uncomfortable!  I didn’t care to look around for a chair that was actually suitable for sitting though.  I simply leaned my head back and closed my eyes, attempting to relax in the stiff chair.

As soon as they closed the same picture I had been dreaming of for the past week or so appeared.  It was me in my second form, running away. Running away from what I feared most.  Seeing the people I loved so much die. My pack being destroyed by those, those blood sucking monsters.  Just thinking of the past made a burst of heat shoot up my spine, but I didn’t open my eyes.  The day my friends, my family, my pack were killed kept running through my head.

I remember the day perfectly unfortunately.  It was raining and cold according to the weather man.  My pack and I never felt the cold. This explains why I’m always wearing shorts and tanktops, even in the winter.   Anyway, my pack caught a trail of some vampires and said it would be a simple job to get rid of them like it was every other time.  So, I stayed behind because I had run all night.  My plans of sleep changed quickly when I heard the howls of my friends crying for help.  Of course I changed into my second form, wolf.  I ran as fast as I could to them, but not fast enough.  Once I had reached them, there was only one of my friends left.  She wasn’t in here wolf form though, she was human and was having the live sucked out of her.  When she saw me she screamed,

“Run, Tala, run!!!  Get away while you still have a chance!  You cannot save us now! For God’s sake Tala-,” She was cut short by the beautiful, pale, blood sucking leech who held her limb body.  He grinned as his wild eyes flamed from the rush of her blood.  His eyes were blood red and danced with amusement.  They were a set of eyes that you could never forget. 

Before I could see anything else I ran away from there as fast as I could. I didn’t feel anyone following me; I only heard my paws clutching the soil underneath me so I wouldn’t turn around.  In every way I wanted to go back and avenge my packs murder, my family’s murder.  I knew if I would that I would only get myself killed and leaving my friend’s words in vain.   

Somehow my father knew what had happened, so I didn’t have to explain anything.  I’m not sure I could’ve talked if he had asked because my tears were choking me.  He might have heard or someone told him before I got back. Either way, he was waiting for me on our back porch.  He quickly got me inside and we made a plan for our escape.  My father knew that the vampires would come back for the remaining witnesses, me.  Vampires never like to leave a job unfinished, but they also like to play games.  One would be hide and seek and they are the seekers.  To be honest, I don’t know why my dad is having us run away to Oregon.  I won’t be any safer there and it’ll probably just be putting the people in that area in danger.   

So, now I sit in the world’s most uncomfortable chair feeling waves of heat roll through me in anger.  The only thing that kept me from exploding into a wolf was my exhaustion.  I hadn’t slept a full night in weeks.  Maybe it was because I was still mourning the death of my pack or possibly that I was running away from what I was afraid of the most.  I knew for sure it wasn’t death, it was those vampires.  They were like every other vampire we had faced, yet so different.  They were stronger and I knew it, I couldn’t deny it any longer.  If they weren’t than my pack would still be alive and I wouldn’t be running away like a child.

I felt someone kick the leg of my chair but I didn’t bother to open my eyes.  “Hey, come on Tala wake up.  I’ve got a room so let’s go,” my father whispered.  He sounded just as exhausted as I was.  I weakly opened my eyes to see his outstretched hand.  I grabbed it because I was to worn out to get up myself.

Luckily, our room wasn’t far.  I didn’t even bother to change into my pajamas.  I just claimed my bed and let the darkness of the room take me to the one place I knew I was safe, my mind.

There will be more chapter so please keep reading and comment!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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