XVII: Sasuke Love Song

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QOTC: As for those of you who were delighted to hear our congenial conversation, I highly prefer you boys to keep your mouth shout. Otherwise you two won't be fun when you're dead.

- Obito to Suigetsu & Jugo


Chapter 17: Sasuke Love Song

It's Sakura's fourth day and she was starting to get used at her daily routine. Eat, work and sleep. Almost nothing seemed to be quite entertaining these days, now that several occassions are about to be convened at the village—missions get promidic as the academy days(Except the fact that Tsunade had assigned her into an S-ranked mission about Sasuke). Lower assignments were assigned into squads, mostly simple chaperon missions, some, unfortunately were chose to help at the preparations for the Leaf's upcoming fests.

The funny thing is, Sasuke was gone.

Earlier Zetsu came out of nowhere and told her the deal wasn't off. At exact Ten O'clock sharp, where in she's supposed to have a training with Tsunade, Zetsu loomed above the surface of the ground and Sakura almost screamed upon the news that he'd be the escort. Because if there'd be someone she clearly wouldn't want to die out of creeping sensation, Zetsu would top the list.

Upon their arrival, everything seemed out of ordinary.

All of them have worn their Akatsuki cloak—Tobi, (though he and Zetsu don't usually take them off) Taka were on their hoods, as if they were planning on taking the moon out of their pockets.

"It's time," said Kabuto.

Karin placed an arm into her hip. "Do we really need to take her with us?"

"Oh love, you'd miss all the fun." Obito smirked, strutting past her.

Sakura was left staring at him, an adumbration of annoyance, but then she remembered those features he hid behind that mask.

Sasuke hadn't said a word ever since she's arrived. Sakura didn't know what his problem was but she guessed that's how it is after all—merely a stranger, minding each other's businesses. And now that she's already in for the troublesome deal, he's no longer responsible for her.

They weren't waiting for her when she got out. The seven of them gazed down below the hollow plateau, and Sakura could see why—Tobi and Kabuto's look of slight philantrophy and benevolence... The bedgraggled and shoddy habitats inhabited by poor people, a public tiny squalor filled with filthy little children who were being chased by cheap vendors, ashes, too many if them; buried among the shadows.

"What is this place?"

"Excellent question, dearie." Kabuto smirked, beaming with pride. "Consider it the gates of hell. No one said Otogakure was no home for someone like us."

                                            ♡ ʈɦɛ ɲɛӝʈ ựɕɦɨɦɑ ♡

                                        THERE'S NO ESCAPE

*P L A Y   S O N G*

Sakura waddled into the village quickening her pace. Smoke bickered through the entire area and her inner found the compulsion of grabbing the hem of her shirt. This was nothing compared to Konoha. Shabby walls peel from several stores and these people were most likely selling junk. Houses were nearly abandoned, and the ground was shaddered with broken glass—the harness of uncultivated animals.

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