Issue #3: "The Plot Thickens"

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 If the prospect of living in a world where trying to respect the basic rights of those around you and valuing each other simply because we exist are such daunting, impossible tasks then what sort of world are we left with? And what what sort of world do you want to live in? -  Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman #170


Issue #3 “The Plot Thickens”

Best Comment gets a dedication.

*Silently editing.


 “Keegan. Keegan Paul?”

The lady sitting down at the desk in front of me, eyes went down to the screen in front of her. Glasses low on her nose and eyebrows – drawn on – nearly touching her hairline. I never understood why females shaved their eyebrows and penciled them back on. I made a mental note to Google that later.

The lady, auburn hair pinned back into neat bun, and wrinkles surrounding her eyes, typed up a storm, pausing momentarily to stare at the screen – eyes tracing down it in search of something in particular and then typing some more when she hadn’t found what she was looking for.

She looked back at me, sighing once she couldn't find what she wanted. “I’m sorry, kid but your name isn't in the employee system.” She said. “I can’t give you authorization to leave the lobby unless your name is in the the system or you have a valid ID card.”

“Can’t you…let me slide this one time?” I asked, trying to look as innocent as possible.

She wasn’t having it. “I’m sorry…”

“Keegan. It’s Keeg,” I sighed, resting my head on her desk, “an…”

“Keegan.” She nodded. “But this is Town Hall. The mayor’s offices are up on the third floor and I can’t risk a security breach of any kind.”

Great. “Thanks anyway.” I pushed off of the desk and trotted back to the middle of the large lobby waiting area of Town Hall.

It seemed as though my trail of lies had one very big bump in the road. Town Hall was most likely the most secure place in the city and I had no way to prove that I worked here. I refrained from banging my head repeatedly again the desk at my ignorance and general inability to make wise decisions.

It didn’t help that Town Hall smack dabbed in the middle of The Government Square, the main offices of the council members of Ginger Valley; including the stoic and calculating, Mayor Timothy Heisenberg.

I hadn’t heard much about the Mayor. In fact, I didn’t really know anything about the political landscape of my city. I stayed away from all of that because it was just the right versus the left most of the time. No one wanted to solve any problems, everyone just wanted power.

From what I learned in my Civics class, Timothy Heisenberg had ended the long and drawn out finger pointing between the parties when he took some members from the Conservative Right and Liberal Left who all thought that the pettiness of the divided sides were destroying any chances to get things done.

And so The Patriarchic Party was formed; it was dubbed The Middle by prominent news stations. It quickly became the dominant party and swept the last elections we had. Everyone praised Mayor Heisenberg for his bipartisan message and he has become one of the most beloved figures in politics in our town.

From what I read, it always seemed as if he had a secret agenda to me. Plus, with a name like Heisenberg, there’s no way he could be 100% for the people. It sounded too diabolical.

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