Chapter 22

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                                  *IMPORTANT NOTE AT THE END OF CHAPTER PLEASE READ IT*

Kat's P.O.V

School was normally hard to concintrate on a regular day but when you've got something on your mind it makes it a whole lote harder to stay focused.

I spent the all of last night going over to responsiblitys that come with becoming Female Alpha. In total i had only one thing in common with them, and that was i was a girl. Its not really a responsablity but  thats the only thing that we had in common. 

I wasnt responsible, i wasnt good at making decisions, i wasnt good with giving orders unless it was for people to shut up and i wasnt good with being a leader. Lets just say im not really a good role model.

Everyone in the pack could tell i was thinking about something or at least worrying about something cause they kept giving me weird looks and trying to talk to me through the mind link, after a while i just shut it off, hoping for some time to think.

I felt like i was over thinking this, but if you were the one to take responsibility for a whole pack, along with your mate, its kinda a big deal to you. These people look up to you and depend on your for help. 

If something goes wrong if someone is injuryed i will feel bad that i wasnt there to help, since im the one that needs to protect them.

This decision isnt something you can just decide over night. Onceyou become Female Alpha you cant take it back. At least thats what my parents told me last night.

They also gave me some books about Female Alpha's and there responibility.

My mum told me a Female Alpha is like the mother of the pack who looks after everyone else along with her mate. In my case that will be Dan.

I had been so lost in thought that i didnt even notice the bell went until Tiffany said my name, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"You okay?" She asked

"Yeah just thinking..." I said

"About?" She said as i grabbed my books and pens and walked out of the room and down the hall.

"Things" I shrugged

"That narrows it down" She said sarcastically.

I dialed in my locker combanation and opened my locker, stoving my books and pens inside before grabbed my wallet. Just as i was about to close it a hand grabbed the wrist that was holding the wallet. I didnt need to look behind me to know it was Dan, the warm feeling on were we touched gave it away.

"You dont need that" He said

"But im hungry" I whined. All the thoughts that were clouding my mind before, suddenly dissapeared.

"I'm paying" I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Free food?" I said "No way am i saying no to that" I let go of my wallet and closed my locker door.

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