Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Final Decisions.

*Violet's POV*

I've been walking in circles the entire day although my shoulder was killing me. I just needed a solution. Liam was sitting and he was thinking too. Finally, he jumped out of his seat. "VIOLET! I got it!" I sat down next to him. "Tell me."

"Well, Violet put yourself in your moms shoes. She just lost her husband and she doesn't want to lose you too."

"Do you mean that I have to go with her?"

He shook his head."No, just go with her to France for the first two weeks. Then come back here and live here. You can always visit her each month."

I thought hard before I replied. "Liam, that's a great idea! But, I still won't be safe here. Who's going to protect me? Where and with who do I live?"

Liam took my hand. "Really Viola? Really?"

"Liam yes. I'm not used to living all on my own."

"Who said you're going to live all alone?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Where am I supposed to live then?"

"You'll live with me and my mom. You know she considers you as a daughter. I'll protect you and there's always 911." he winked.

I giggled and let out a long sigh, "Liam, you already did so much for me. I can't. If you're going to protect me, you'll be in danger too and I can't let that happen."

"Violet, first of all, I DID NOTHING COMPARED TO WHAT YOU DID FOR ME. You took a bullet for me! Second of all, I'm ready to do anything to protect you." his voice was softening when he said the last sentence. I smiled at him and he put his hand on my face. It felt warm and loving. He put his hand on my forehead and made his way towards my cheeks, chin and lips. I felt so calmed. Liam called his mom and told her about his idea of bringing me to live with them. She didn't even hesitate. "YES!", she cried. She was so happy. She was like a mother figure to me. My mom and her went to college together too so they were close too. I was actually really happy, in a way I can't explain.


I made Liam leave because he hasn't gotten much sleep. Louis came in with a bouquet of red roses. He put it down on my lap, held my hands and started singing "Gotta be you". I didn't realise that I was smiling really hard until my cheeks started hurting. He played with my hair and then I told him about the news. I told him that I'm going to Paris for two weeks and then coming back and living with Liam. "Wait, why are you going to live with Liam and his mom?" he asked confused. Although I felt jealousy in his tone.

"Well, I can't live all alone and plus his mom knows my mom really well so she wants me to stay with them."

Louis looked away. I kissed his cheek, "What's wrong LouLou?"

"Nothing Vye." he said with a smile.

"Are you jealous?"

"Me? Jealous? Naw." I shot him a look. "Okay maybe a bit. I wish you would live with me."

"I could sleepover at your house from time to time." I said. I saw Louis' face brighten up. "YOU PERVERT." I cried. We both started laughing, "God, I can't believe life without you." he finally said. "You don't have to. I'm always going to be here with you." I smiled then picked up a rose and stared plucking the petals, "He loves me... He loves me not... He loves me... He loves me not... He loves me... He loves me not... He lov-" Louis snatched the flower out of my hand, threw it behind his back, picked me up bridal style and cried, "HE'S CRAZY ABOUT YOU!". Then he leaned down and kissed my nose. "I love you Vye."

"I love you too LouLou." I said with a smile.

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