Chapter Eight - Aftermath

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A/N - hey again! well, i'll try and upload again soon, but it wont be again today. I hope you like this chapter! There's some precursors too! Kind of hints to whats gonna happen :) Its similar to the last chapter, where the things that the people say are the same... but still, enjoy! 


--> "Come on!" Dean shouts, and we run to the door, to get out of here, but it closes, trapping us in. We rattle and bang on the door, trying to open it. When it fails, we all glance at each other, then turn around, watching the bright light come out of the circle of blood. We then hear a sharp, screeching notice, like a static/chalk on board sound. We cover our ears; its unbearable. We drop to the floor closing our eyes.

-->We find ourselves on a plane, with a cartoon playing the devil on it. Sam and Dean next to me.

"What the hell?" Dean says

"I don't know" Sam replies.

We're all surprised. I don't say a word.

"Folks, quick word from the flight deck. We're just passing over...'

"Hey wasn't we just there?" Dean questions.

"Holy crap!" shouts the pilot, and the plane goes sidewards, shaking. We look out of the window, and see a star-wars-like white light blasting out of a building on the ground. We put our breathing things on, as i clutch my bag; i still have it.

--> We go down the road, in their car, listening to the radio. Its on about some 'terrorist organisation' to explain what happened.

"Change the station." Dean says, turning it to a different one, which also has news on. He tried it several times, but only came up with news. He eventually gave up and turned it off.

Sam sighs, and tries to break the silence. "Dean, look, i-"

Dean interrupts "Don't say anything. It's okay. We just gotta keep our heads down and patch this out, alright?"

"Yeah okay." Sam says.

"Alright, first things first, how'd we end up on sole plane?"

"Angels? Maybe? I mean, you know, beeming us outta harms way" I says, uncertain.

"Oh that's the least of our worries" Dean replies. "We need to find Cas"

--> We arrive at a house. Dean had said that it was the profit 'Chuck''s house. Its messed up, nothings here except papers, books, and a whole lot of mess. We hear a creak from behind us, in the other room. We turn and look, walking into it. We don't see anything until Sam walks towards the stairs, and a man bangs him over the head with a spade. 

"Jeeze!" He exclaims "Oww!"

 "Sam!" Says the man, astounded

"Yeah" Sam says, rubbing his head

"Hey Chuck" Dean says, casually.

"So... your okay?" Chuck says, hardly believing it.

"Well...." Sam says, "My head hurts."

"No, no, no, no, i mean, my last vision. You were like, full on Vader. You're body temperature was one fifty. your heart rate was two hundred. Your eyes was black!" Chuck says.

"Your eyes went black?" Dean asks. He hadn't told us about that.

Sam turns to him, "I didn't know."

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