I Don't Wanna Go Near Wolverhampton.

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I don't remember much about that night except it was my sisters bachelorette party, I was drunk and this really hot guy took me home. Other than that it was a complete blur. 


I was trying to sleep but someone kept shaking me.

"Wake up." The guy said

I groaned and turned back over.

"Wake up. You have to go." He said again

I sat up opening my eyes.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's nine thirty." He said handing me a cup of coffee

"What happened last night?"

"You said after your sister's bachelorette party you went to my club Funky Buddha and well, it's clear what happened." 

"Oh well, I should get going. where are my clothes?"

"Over there in the chair."

"Oh, thanks."

I wrapped up in the sheets and hobbled over to my clothes before going into the bathroom. I put my clothes on and walked out. 

"Um, have you seen my bag and my phone?"

"On the bed. Um, about last night."

"No worries. I won't mention it to anyone."

"Thank you. I mean it was very amazing last night. You were amazing last night. Well what I remember of it. but Very fantastic."

"Thank you. Liam is it?"

"Yeah, it's Liam."

He rubbed his neck nervously.

"Are you alright." I asked, cautiously

"Um, it's just my girlfriend is on her way over."


"Um, yeah. I forgot to mention that last night I think."

"Oh my god. I slept with a guy that has a girlfriend."

I grabbed my phone and my bag rushing for the door.

"I'm so so so sorry." I kept repeating.

"It's okay. Don't worry it'll stay between us."

"That doesn't make it better."

"Um, in case you need anything I put my number in your phone."

"Oh well, thanks. I have to go."

"See you around."

I rushed out and straight home.


That night was nine months ago and as my luck was, I became pregnant from that night. I didn't leave the house ever. I didn't want to until the baby was born. Luckily, I only had a few more days until my due date.  Katie, my sister, was over with her husband like always. They came over everyday with gifts. I didn't have to buy anything for my son's nursery. That's right I'm having a boy. A little baby boy. He was going to be so adorable. My innocent little baby boy. 

"Another stuffed animal? Thanks guys." I said trying to get up

"You rest. We'll fix everything."

"You guys don't have to."

"We want to. You're ready to have my nephew. No more than rest for you." Jack said to me.

"Thanks Jack. I told Katie I always liked yo-- oh my god."

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