Chapter 1

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Riley's POV

"Wake up Riley! Time for school! Time for school!" my mum hollered out when she bounded up the steps and came into my room.

I groaned. "Mom! Go Away!" I muttered into my pillow which was covering my face. "Not until you get you get your butt out of bed and downstairs in 25 minutes." I waved my mum away weakly whilst she chuckled at my attempt to make her scram. Slowly, I was lulled back to sleep by my sweet warm bed and muttered under my breath, "Five more minutes." But because we're werewolves, she heard me perfectly and pulled me out of bed and said, "Hurry up love because I made your favourite breakfast. Pancakes with chocolate chips in them."

My stomach growled and my mother smirked at me. "All right mum. I'll be there in a few." Then she went out of the room whilst laughing at tormenting me with my favourite breakfast. Shaking my head, I went to my bathroom and took a shower. I grabbed my favourite scented shampoo, lavender and honey and scrubbed it on to my auburn hair and massaged my scalp. After that, I got out of the shower and changed into my undergarments and wore a plain white t-shirt and a black vest and wore skinny black jeans with black ankle boots and wore a purple gold locket. As far as you know, my favourite colors are black and white and purple. I put on some mascara and lipstick and it was finally done. I looked at my reflection and put my hair to the side of my pale and a bit tanned skin.

I grabbed my iPod, earphones, school backpack and my glasses. I don't really need to wear them, but it helps me when I read for long hours throughout the day or at home. After double checking, I packed all my things, I finally went downstairs and saw my mom and dad, who were warriors of the Midnight pack. I have warrior blood in me as well and I adored seeing them spar from time to time with each other. I was an only child and though they were busy with their own duties, they made sure to show as much love as they could.

After I finished my pancakes, I got my car keys and headed to my white Lamborghini, put my keys in the ignition and headed to hell or what you call, high school.

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