Cody Simpson? My EX Best Friend: Chapter (13)

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*PLEASE READ* In order to avoid confusion, Cara lives in Los Angeles, California. Whenever she is in a cold area, it is probably because she is some where Cody is performing or on vacation. Thank you and enjoy!

I felt good waking up in my own familiar and comfortable bed. My phone began vibrating beside me and I rolled over to pick it up.

The time on my phone read 10:25 A.M. before I answered a cell phone call.

"Hello?" I mumbled.

"G'morning gorgeous." Cody greeted me.

I smiled to myself at Cody's voice.

"Good morning." I replied.

"Hey, my buddy Greyson is in L.A. with his girlfriend and I wanted to show them around town. I thought you, Alli and Christian would like to come to the beach with us." Cody said.

I stretched my arms and stood up in bed. "Sounds cool."

"Great. Pick you up around three?" Cody asked.

"You mean your mom will be in her car at my front door at three." I corrected him.

Cody laughed nervously. "Right. I'll talk to you later babe."

"Bye loser." I smiled and hung up my phone.

Savannah made her way into my room and onto my lap.

I stroked her fur soothingly. "Today is going to be an awesome day." I said, walking toward my closet.

I opened my closet door and took out my two favorite bikinis.

"Which one looks the best?" I asked Savvy, setting both bikinis on my bed.

Savvy barked and tugged on my hot pink bandeau bikini.

I took the bikini top from Savvy's mouth and frowned.

"I said decide which one was the cutest, not pick your next favorite chew toy." I said sternly.

Savvy whined and looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

I frowned and scratched her head. "You're cute." I said, walking toward the bathroom.

Before I reached my doorway, I turned around in Savvy's direction. "But not that cute."

Savvy barked and I laughed, turning on the hot water.

After my shower, I changed into a purple and blue oversized tie-dye shirt which I tied with a scrunchie in the back.

I was wearing light washed denim shorts and purple flip flops. A section of my hair was pulled back with a clip while the bottom part of my hair was loose.

After I was finished, I skipped downstairs and ate breakfast.

As soon as Naomi saw me sit down at the table in front of her, she dropped her toast.

"Close your mouth, unless you want to catch flies." I warned her, grinning.

Naomi closed her mouth and shook her head. "Sorry, I'm just so surprised that you're awake so early."

I shrugged and took a bite out of my strawberry pop tart. "I don't blame you. Sleep and me are like this--" I crossed my index and middle finger together.

Naomi rolled her eyes and bit into her toast. "You're telling me?"

I finished my breakfast and washed my plate and cup. After I was finished, I decided to take Savvy out for a walk.

"Savvy!" I called from downstairs.

I heard a grumble coming from upstairs.

"You're not mad at me, are you girl?" I asked.

Another low grumble. I sighed and walked up the stairs to find Savvy sitting on the first step.

I picked her up and shook my head. "The only one who should be mad here is me. Because of you, I'm doing unwanted and unnecessary excercise." I mumbled.

- - -

"Savvy, what is it girl?" I called out.

Savvy scented something out and was leading me toward it.

I ended up being pushed into someone.

"I'm so sorry!" We said in sync.

I looked up to find Christian rubbing his head.

"Christian?" I said.

"Yeah?" He responded, dumbfounded.

I shook my head. "Never mind. What brings you out here at such an early time?" I asked him.

Christian pointed toward his small puppy which looked like a baby lion.

I bent down to pet it and Savvy bit the back of my shirt.

"Oh, you're just jelly because his dog is cuter than you." I told Savvy, smirking.

Savvy growled and I stood up. "What's your dogs name?" I asked.

"Lil B." Christian responded.

I nodded. "Cool. Does B stand for Beadles?"

"Wha--no? Oh, that's why Caitlin picked out that name!" Christian smacked his forehead.

Christian and Alli were perfect for each other.

I giggled. "Nice one."

Christian shot me a smile. "I try."

I raised my eyebrows. "Sure. You don't want to try too hard, though or Beck might find you."

Christian shuddered and looked around. I realized we were the only people in the park.

"Do you mind walking me back home? I'm scared he's going to pop out of a tree and kidnap me." Christian admitted.

I held in a chuckle. "Sure. I'm no help, though. If that really was the situation, I'd probably just laugh and watch."

"You're such a good best friend." Christian said, placing his arm around me in a friendly way.

I smiled into his chest. "Aren't I?"

We reached Christian's house and I gave him a hug.

"I'll see you later." Christian said.

I nodded and waved goodbye. "Cya."

- - -

My phone vibrated Alli's ringtone in my back pocket and I pulled it out.

Unlocking my phone, I saw one new text from Alli.

Alli: bonjour! greyson's girlfriend is over. can we come over 4 spray tanning?

Me: of course. i'll meet u guys in my backyard.

Alli: mk c ya :)

I put my phone away and went upstairs into my bathroom to pull out my spray tanning equipment.

I placed everything outside and took off my shorts and shirt, leaving me in my bikini.

"Hey, hot stuff!" Alli greeted me jokingly.

I giggled and pulled her into a hug.

Behind her was a girl who was shorter than us. Her hair was a light brown and she had soccer ball orbs inside her eyes.

I pulled her into a hug.

"Tatum, this is my best friend, neighbor and brother's girlfriend Cara." Alli introduced us.

"You can call me Tate." Christina said politely.

"Your eyes are so cool!" I complimented her.

Tate smiled. "Thanks, they're my contacts."

I nodded and pulled out sun screen. "Who's ready to have their skin protected from the sun?" I yelled.

Tate and Alli raised their hands. "Us!"

Alli applied sun screen on me, I applied sun screen on Tate and Tate applied sun screen on Alli.

We put on our tanning oil after that and changed back into our clothes.

I invited Tate and Alli inside for a snack.

"So," I began, munching on a gold fish cracker, "Tell me about yourself."

Tate smiled. "I've lived in Canada for my whole life and moved to America a year ago. I am an aspired singer and model. I met Greyson because of his manager."

I nodded. "That's pretty neat."

"Cut the innocent and boring stuff." Alli said blankly.

Tate raised her eyebrow in confusion. "Come again?"

"I mean," Alli said, lowering her voice, "have you and Christian kissed yet?"

Tate smirked. "I like you guys. You get straight down to business."

All three of us high-fived each other.

"But, no. Not yet." Tate said sadly.

"Bring breath mint, gum and lip gloss because today is your lucky day." I said.

Tate grinned at Alli and I. "You two are seriously going to help me?"

Alli and I nodded. "We're not just going to help you, but we're going to leave Greyson begging for more of your lips!"

Tate squealed. "You guys are awesome."

All three of us laughed and walked into my living room where all of the fun was about to begin.

- - -

"Baby, you light up my world like nobody else! The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed. But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell, you don't kno-o-ow, you don't know you're beautifu--"

Cody interrupted Alli, Tate and my singing by turning off the radio.

"You guys sound horrible!" Greyson said, slamming his head in the back of Cody's seat.

Christian nudged Greyson. "C'mon, I'm sure there's a better way of telling them that they stink."

"You're right, there is. You three sound like dying cats." Cody said.

All three of us gasped. "Like you can do any better!" Alli yelled.

Cody and Greyson chuckled. "Yeah, we kind of can."

"I can teach you how to become a better singer." Cody suggested.

I shrugged. "That sounds cool. What are you going to teach me first?"

"Breathing techniques." Cody said, grinning.

"Okay." I mumbled. "What do I do first?"

"Simple. Just close your mouth an--"

Cody cut his own sentence off shortly by placing his lips on mine. We stayed like this for more than fourty seconds and I pulled away, breathing heavily.

"You're making progress, babe." Cody said.

I slapped his arm playfully. "That is definitely gonna help me become a better singer!"

"I bet it did." Cody insisted. "Sing me something."

I bit my lower lip to think of a song. "Baby, it's not just you, you know it hurts me too--"

Everyone in the car cut off my singing by groaning.

"Practice makes perfect, right?" Cody said, leaning in for another kiss.

- - -

"Call me when you're all ready to come home." Mrs. Simpson told everyone.

"In that case, you'll never get a phone call again from me." Cody said, closing the car trunk.

Mrs. Simpson shook her head and laughed, pulling out of the parking lot and heading home.

The boys decided to hang out and drink rootbeer while Alli, Tate and I picked up a volleyball.

All three of us were good and competitive, not uttering a single word other than grunts or cheers threwout the whole game.

When I looked up to surf the ball, I realized Alli was no where to be found and Greyson was running toward Tatum.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around my knees and threw my over their shoulder. I gasped when I realized it was Cody and playfully punched his back.

Once Cody was waist deep inside the water, he let me go gently. I shivered and jumped into his arms.

Greyson, Christian, Alli and Tatum swam toward us.

"What is this?" Christian suddenly asked, cupping his hands inside the water and rising it toward the surface.

"Those are jelly fish." Greyson informed him. "They don't sting unless you mishaps them."

"Ouch!" Christian yelped. "I thought you said they don't sting."

Greyson shook his head. "There's no hope for you."

"Hey, this one's kind of cut--AOW!" Christian screamed, jumping two feet out of the water.

"S.O.S! Save our souls! Jesus help us!" Christian yelled, flailing his arms over his head and running out of the water.

"You're dating that idiot." Tate said sarcastically.

Alli smiled. "I know. But, I love that fool."

- - -

Greyson and Cody brought surfboards two surfboards into the water.

"There's only four of us." Tate said matter-of-factly.

Alli was tending Christian who's hands were red and swollen.

"We know." Cody and Greyson said in sync, grinning.

"You ladies are going to learn how to surfboard today." Greyson informed us.

"Surfs up, dude." Cody said, handing me a surfboard. I catched it and steadied it onto the water.

Cody helped me get into surfing position and I bent my knees, balancing myself on the board.

"Keep your knees bent always, your arms should always be in a straight line and go with the flow." Cody instructed.

I nodded. "I think I got this."

Cody smiled and tapped my thigh slightly, signaling for me to go.

I got into belly position and held Tate's hand as we swam toward the first medium sized wave.

"Ready?" She asked.

"As I'll ever be!" I said as enthusiastically as I could without getting salt water into my mouth.

We propped up on our knees and balanced ourselves on our surf boards as the wave surfed us toward Cody and Greyson.

They gave us a thumbs up and we high fived each other.

- - -

"Today was a nice day." I murmured, resting my head against Cody's chest.

He stroked my hair. "Everyday is nice as long as I'm spending it by your side."

"Or on top of you." He whispered quickly.

I nudged his elbow and shook my head.

All six of us were lying down on the sand staring into the now pink and orange sky.

"Man, I wish I could live in L.A. You guys are such cool people and lucky to have each other." Greyson admitted.

I smiled to myself. Greyson was right. I was lucky to have such a perfect boyfriend and loyal best friends.

"I agree with Greyson." Tate said.

"It's getting dark." Alli yawned. "Should we call mom now?"

"Nah." Everyone said at the same time.

I laughed and stood up, walking around the beach looking for something specifically in my Roxy hoodie, shorts and flip flops.

I walked away from the group and Cody followed shortly behind me. "What are you doing?" He asked.

We reached the parking area and I smiled in relief as I grabbed and stones.

"What did Cavemen use to create a fire?" I asked Cody.

He pointed to what I was holding.

Cody grinned. "A bonfire? That sounds pretty cool."

I passed him three more stones and we walked back to the rest of the group. They realized what I was doing and all six of us helped make a bonfire.

We circled our beach chairs and bags around the bonfire.

"All we're missing are Gram Crackers, a Hershey chocolate bar and marshmallows." Alli said.

"I'm kind of addicted to Gram Crackers." Tate admitted, pulling out a pack.

"More cushion for the pushin'!" Cody said, squeezing a bag of marshmallows.

"I am so excited to eat this big chocolate bar." Christian said, pulling out a giant sized Hershey bar.

Alli snatched it from him and put it in the center of the bonfire. "Christian, it's  so sweet of you to give up your chocolate bar."

Christian pouted. "I was going to eat that."

- - -

"And that's how Greyson and I met." Tate finished her story.

"Awe," Alli and I gushed at the same time.

"Nice," Christian and Cody said, patting Greyson's back.

"Your turn!" Tatum chirped, pointing at Christian and Alli.

"Christian and I met three years ago because of his sister Caitlin." Alli explained.

Christian raised his eyebrow. "No, we didn't."

"Yes, we did."

"No, we didn't."

"Beadles, I think I'd remember something as important as that." Alli said.

"Simpson, I think I'd remember something as important as that, too." Christian mocked her.

Alli sighed. "Okay, Christian. Why don't you tell us how we first met?"

"My family had just moved into a new house which was haunted. We monitorized it with cameras and found out there were spirits in the house. In the next two years, I realized it was because my great grandma made a deal with the devil." Christian explained.

All five of us slapped Christian on the back of his head.

"Christian, you just described Paranormal Activity!" Alli yelled.

Christian bit his lower lip. "I thought we were talking about movies."

Alli shook her head. "Your turn." She mumbled toward Cody and I.

Cody peeled off a layer of his marshmallow which was burnt.

I looked down and blushed. "You mean the story of how Cody Simpson was my neighbor, became my best friend and is now my Ex-Best Friend?" I asked.

"Why am I your ex-best friend now?" Cody asked sadly.

I leaned over so our faces were inches apart. "Because you're my boyfriend now..and best friends don't do this." I said softly, barely above a whisper.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned toward him for another kiss.


THE END! LOL, JK. I hope you guys enjoyed this chappie :D

I just wanted to take time out to write and let everyone single one of you guys know that I am so happy and appreciate all of you who made this story a success! Thank you for reading, commenting, Voting, fanning and adding this story to your Library. I am so thankful for that (:

This story will sadly be over soon but don't worry, there will be a new story! COMMENT on another Cody Simpson love story, Christian Beadles love story or a Greyson Chance love story. Also, comment your feedback!

I love y'all :)


Hugs and Cody

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