Prologue: Self-Mutilation

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Firstly, I'm thoroughly indebted to my dear friend, xxRandomxThoughtsxx for her wonderful idea. "Here's a thought. Why don't you write ur first ever BOYXBOY story? I bet it's gonna be awesome!" Thanks so much dear!


This story is SO NOT your typical boyxboy, it's WAY MORE than that! It's about fitting in, loving oneself, friendship, family issues, LGBTQ issues and SO MUCH MORE! Not just sex n stuffs, its basically about life experiences and hardships.

SO DONT JUST READ THE FIRST FEW CHAPPIES and then leave, make sure you STAY and SHOW UR FULLEST SUPPORT for all the chappies. I know that sounds a bit corny but trust me, it will be worth the read. I know because most of the parts told in this story are based from my real life, personal experiences (*_*)

DO VOTE and ENJOY ALL OF THEM now! You wont regret it! :D

FAN ME TOO PLEASE? I know you want to! XD

But I really hope that you'll enjoy it. Let me know what you think okay? Show some support please? Thanks so much! May God bless us always! :)


*pic on the rite is Alain when he's more confident. I couldnt find a less pretty pic of Mario Maurer sowwi Dx

Hello world. You don't have to hello me back.

I'm just beyond recognition. I'm a lost soul. I don't want to be found. I'm a huge loser. That's basically everything about me. Oh, there's one more thing. I'm totally gay. A closeted one, though. Not sure if I should even come out. Not anytime soon that's for sure.

"Ouch! What was that for?" I yelped as my sister, Amelie slapped the back of my head. She's a really mean girl most of the time but she's the only one who knew about the real me. She knew that I'm into boys and she said nothing more about it. It's her way of showing that she's cool with it, I guess. And I like it to remain that way. Nobody cares about me anyways, apart from my sweet and picture-perfect family. She simply snickered without stating a valid reason for the mild harassment and quickly left me alone with my self-monologue.

I'm Asian, skinny and awkward. To be honest, I had always felt ugly inside and out. The fact that the Westerfeld wanted to include me in their adorable, perfect American family was beyond my comprehension. I'm just an adopted, unworthy and pathetic boy. Even my biological mom hated me and left me on the streets of Bangkok when I was just a few days old. All I know is I was later put up for adoption.

It makes more sense now. She didn't want a freak like me for a son. Yup, I couldn't agree more with her decision. It was indeed the right thing to do. I never knew anything more about her after that. I really hope she's doing fine right now, wherever she is.

Amelie started to crank up the stereo in her room, making the house tremble a little with the blaring punk-rock tunes and Ma would never complain. Dad too, he just couldn't care less anymore as the noise pierced our ears like there's no tomorrow.

As least she's perfectly happy with herself.

What about me then? I'm least likely to be happy with myself. One thing I don't believe is love. It's just a plain old, stupid LIE. There is no such thing as a love at first sight. Well maybe there is, but I don't know yet. And still deep down I'm cluelessly waiting for it to happen. Yet in my case, I highly doubt it ever will.

I've always secretly wanted more for myself. But I know NO boy would want me. No boy in his right mind would ever see me as desirable. I'm too skinny and out-of-place and just plain ugly. Those words represent me truly. It's tough being a hopeless nerd, an Asian and a closeted gay all at the same time. The only thing I can do is being so hard on myself because it's just how I cope with reality.

PLAIN and PROUD: Book 1 (BxB n LGBT)Where stories live. Discover now