Chapter Twenty-Nine (Dedicated to All My BBB Fans!!)

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Chapter Twenty-Nine (Dedicated to All My BBB Fans!!)



School had become almost unbearable for me. Almost a week had gone by where no one would talk to me. Caleb hadn't even been in school for the most part. And if he did come to school, I got only a fleeting glimpse of his black combat boots down the hall. Nikki was too busy trying to support a bleak looking Ashley, who seemed mortified every time she saw me. God, I never thought I'd see the day that Nikki Havens let Ashley Blake basically cry on her shoulder. Samantha was cold and was brusque to me during lab time. If she had to talk to me, it was in short, clipped sentences and felt like icy rain slapping against my face. Simon was a whole 'nother story altogether.

He wouldn't look at me. He wouldn't speak to me. He would see me walking his way in the hall and immediately go the opposite direction. He obviously wanted nothing to do with me.

I realized that I was utterly alone.

And it was not a good feeling.

Not at all.

Of course, the musical rehearsals were even worse than school. At least in school I could pretend to be focusing intently on my class work and the lectures. At rehearsal, it was just me, a bossy Holly, and a pissed Simon in a small tech booth.

Corbin and Lance already disliked me. Lance even more so because of the whole bruising his ego with the fight and the Ashley fiasco. And Holly didn't seem to like anyone. She figured she was the only one that ever actually did anything right. And she liked to correct people.

"Simon, that light cue was late!"

"Can you believe that Samantha just said that line wrong? It's supposed to be. 'and now it ends'. Not 'it ends now.' "

Today, she was really grating my cheese.

"Ashley is such an airhead. She keeps entering from stage left. She's supposed to enter from stage right. And Samantha is like mumbling her lines. How can our lead MUMBLE?! Don't even get me started on Caleb. It's like he just doesn't give a shit about any of this. This is the first time he's shown up to rehearsal all week. God, can no one do anything right?" She was rambling to seemingly no one.

After all, her words did not seem directed at either me or Simon, and we were the only other two people in the booth.

Simon looked dead on the outside as Holly droned on. He started to rub his temples as if he had a headache.

"And Aiden, you always have the lights too bright on the field scene. It's supposed to look like dusk, not freakin midday in the Sahara. Simon, get ready for your thunder cue," She said.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled.

Holly's mouth dropped open in utter shock. Simon seemed to regain alertness.

"Just shut the fuck up, okay? No one wants to hear it. NO ONE. Got it? You're so damn bitchy. Maybe everyone hates me right now, but at least it's not because I bag on them for NO REASON. Get a freakin' life and stay out of everybody elses'!"

I finally came back to myself. I was now standing, having had shoved my chair, throwing it onto its side onto the floor. I was breathing heavily and through the glass on the tech booth door I could make out my reflection. I looked red in the face. Holly looked frightened as hell. Simon looked concerned.

Had I really just blown up like that?

I forced my way out of the booth and stumbled past the backstage area, and found everyone looking at me. Caleb looked contemplative. Lance and Corbin almost looked impressed. Ashley looked forlorn.

"Are you okay?" Nikki asked, looking at me as if I had grown at third head.

"I don't know," I said, shoving past the small crowd and into one of the dressing rooms.


Seriously, what was up with Aiden? I knew he was going through a lot, but the past couple of weeks he's been a nut job. Acting irrationally. Simon was right when he had said that Aiden wasn't the friend we knew. That's why Simon wasn't even talking to him. And I could almost see where he was coming from. But that was still no excuse to give up on him completely. I had been kind of ignoring Aiden lately, this is true. But only because he looked like he had some stuff to work out on his own. Plus, my new *shudder* friend, Ashley, seemed to need a little extra support since Aiden went AWOL after kissing her. Sam herself was acting as if her virgin panties were caught up her ass around Aiden. What was it and these girls losing their heads over him? Everyone losing their heads? Am I, in fact. the only sane person here who isn't obsessed with the guy?

And come to think I was usually considered the crazy one...

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