Extra, Extra! (A Mary McElroy Book)

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Oh Quidditch, my love, my passion, my future. Back in America, I was the star Chaser on my Quidditch team, The Stars! Today, I was getting ready to practice Quidditch for the first time in over a year. Technically, it wasn't even a real match, just me, Ron, Ginny, and the twins playing a little pick up game. "Mary, are you ready to get beat?" Fred yelled.

"I believe you are the one who is going to be beaten Freddy." I grabbed my Nimbus 2000 , sure it's not the best compared to the Nimbus 2007 but, it's a great broom.

The match ended quickly. It started out good, then I threw an interception to Ginny, then Fred hit me in the head with the Bludger, then George got mad and threw the beater at Fred, then Ron left so Ginny scored because we had no Keeper, finally Ginny caught the snitch. Ron, Mary, George - 0; Fred and Ginny- 160. Not a very good match.

"Mary, you're not very good at Quidditch.." George said very rudely.

"Shut up George! Were you ever the star chaser of the New York Stars? No didn't think so!"

"It's true," Fred said "I don't know how you Americans play Quidditch, but if you were the star, you must be bad!"

"What is it? Insult Mary day? Do I really need both twins bothering me!" Then I stormed to the room I shared with Ginny. Ron's owl Pig, was waiting by the window.

"Why hello Pig. What've you got for me?" After untying the letter from Pig, I ripped open the envolope and read the letter inside.

Dear Mary,

I am sorry for not writing yesterday, I kind of blew it all up. Well anyways, yesterday my cousin Fergus taught me how to tap dance, I was fairly good at it, until I tripped and broke my neck. So I am writing you from St. Mungo's getting my bones mended. Please write back as soon as you can, very bored.

-- Seamus

Dear Seamus,

Sorry about your neck! My day hasn't been that great either. Well first I played Quidditch with Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny. Didn't go so well. Fred and Ginny beat us 160 to 0. I also got hit in the head with a Bludger. Then the twins told me I stunk at Quidditch. Not a very productive day. I wish I could visit you! It's so boring here! Molly always goes somewhere mysteriously and Arthur's always at work. All I do is clean and sleep. I'm sick of summer! Too much waiting around! I can't believe it's only July! At least by September we can go back to Hogwarts! I think I am going to try out for Quidditch. Hope you feel better!

Mary :)

Ginny entered the room.

"Mary, mum sent an owl, we're supposed to make dinner." I made dinner while Ginny set the table and served the food. Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, and I then ate dinner.

" 'Ey Ron, pass me the salt will you?" I asked

"Wow Mary, it's really sad. The only thing you had going for you was your accent, now your losing it!" Then it hit me. That was the only thing different about me! I was assimilating too fast! What I needed was a plan...

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