Not so lucky Lucky Charms

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Sorry for the wait y'all . I've just not been feeling well (literally and emotionally) and school has started again, so that's always hell .

Anyways, the chapter's not as long as I had hoped for, but I hope it will suffice until next time .

Speaking of next time, we're all hoping it won't be as dreadfully long of a wait as before, huh ?

Time will tell .

Enjoy xx


Chapter Eight: Not so Lucky Lucky Charms

                “Put it down!” I screech, my cheeks immediately flaring as I stare at the piece of cloth that had abruptly dropped from the floor to the ground. Her eyebrows are raised in confusion, and I quickly blurt out, “Do you know how disgusting that is? You don’t know who those belong to!”

                Her gaze gingerly flickers between my panties and me. I must be a sight; hands outstretched as if to stop her, eyes wide, mouth open, hair frizzed. “So you’re saying… those aren’t yours?”

                I shake my head feverishly, agreeing with her words. “They aren’t.”

                “Which means… you’re saying you didn’t come here last night when I was sleeping?” she asks accusingly.

                My face reddens and I struggle to maintain my composure. “I’m positive,” I lie unconvincingly.

                Kate’s eyes dance and she takes her foot, kicking the panties to the side. “Okay then, Gwen,” she sighs dramatically. “I believe you.” It’s obvious that she really doesn’t, even if she says she does, and I tug at my hair anxiously, not knowing what to do. Luckily, she hops onto an elliptical starting the machine up as I set myself on a treadmill.

                Not even thirty minutes later, Kate’s exclaimed she’s tired of using the elliptical machine and from the corner of my eye I can see her get off the machine and go sit somewhere else. Perspiration runs down my face in the most horrendous of ways, and the burning feeling in my legs intensifies as I run harder, faster, longer.

                I know something else that can go hard and fast… and it’s definitely long.

                Red explodes in my cheeks as I reprimand myself for thinking so… naughtily. Before that one night, I had never been much of a perverted person, nor had I ever thought so many dirty thoughts. I hadn’t even seen a man’s cọck before then!

                But now… now I couldn’t stop thinking sexually, and all of those thoughts revolved around him.

                Hell, I didn’t even know his name!

                The treadmill declines to a slower pace as the workout ends. With deep, laborious breaths, I stretch my hands above my head, getting more air into my lungs as I walk.

                “Gwen?” Kate’s voice calls, and I turn to face her. She starts to say something, but I don’t—I can’t—even comprehend what she’s saying.

                Slowly, almost dreamlike, his hand slips down his glistening abs, wrapping around his erection. I can feel my eyes widen as he tortuously begins to stroke it, up and down. His muscles look strained as he jerks it faster and faster, his breathing slow and labored…

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