Chapter 26- Wonderous ideas

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"Shane?" I asked, and he smiled sheepishly. I almost forgot all about Rose and let him in, when I remembered what he did. I frowned and I saw his face drop. I put my hand on my hip, like I always do when I'm about to argue or be stubborn.

"What do you want? You seriously think you have the nerve to waltz up to my house, knowing she was here, after what you have done? How could you even say those things to her? Rose deserves SO MUCH BETTER. I should have known you were going to be a jerk." I babbled. He ran a large hand down his face in irritation.

"I have nothing to explain to you. I want to speak to Rose." My jaw dropped. Is he serious? I felt the pit of my stomach burn, the first sign of me getting angry. "I don't give a POO about what you want!" I spat, and he cringed.

I wasn't done though. "You think you can come to my house and tell ME what to do?! How bout no! Your on my land right now and I'm about to kick you off!" I yelled, and I heard Rose shuffling upstairs.

"Crap!" If she sees him she will burst into tears. He opened his mouth to say something and before I could cut in, Josh walked out of the bushes and on my porch. I was staring at him, he gets more attractive every time I see this guy.

"I figured you would be stubborn so I brought Josh along." I narrowed my eyes at Josh and he just gave me a shrug. "I don't care. Josh has nothing to do with this. Get out. Don't come back. You screwed up Shane," I paused, getting into his face "she won't take you back like all of those other blonde bimbos did." I whispered. I saw his body go rigid at my words and I smiled.

I gave Josh a apologetic smile and slammed the door shut. I brushed myself off, as if I actually cleaned up a mess. I turned on my heel still smiling. I am such a therapist. Rose is never going to deal with that crap again. I began to whistle when I heard a sniffle from the top of the steps.

I looked up and there stood Rose, a blanket covering her shoulders, a tissue in hand, and tears staining her cheeks. I sighed audibly and she looked broken. 

I whispered "I'm sorry." When she dropped the tissue and blankets and ran down the steps. Her fists were balled up, and her face contorted to anger. I thought she was going to come for me, so I cowered down and shut my eyes, I didn't want the nightmares later.

Instead, I felt a blow of wind go by and the door swing open. I heard a gasp and screaming started.


I am such a genius. No joke, I come up with the best ideas ever! When Rose suddenly got mad, she went outside and started to yell at Shane. Like really yell.

It was honestly really scary. When she had nothing else to say, I guess Shane couldn't figure out what to say. They stood there, Rose breathing heavy from all the yelling, staring at each other for at least 20 minutes. Rachel and Grace got to my house right when my beautiful plan came into view.

What's the plan? Well it's quite simple and super amazing. I locked them in the closet together.

Although they haven't actually spoken to one another, they sure spoke when we shoved them in there.

"ANNA I SWEAR IF YOU DON'T LET ME OUT I WILL KILL YOU!" Rose screamed, I flinched at her tone but didn't make any move to let them out. "Anna, do you really think it's a good idea to leave me in here with an angry woman? She could easily kill me!" Shane whisper-yelled.

I laughed a little and I could just imagine Rose's face. It would be all scrunched up and she would be clenching her fist. "Look, jerk wad, I wouldn't be angry and we certainly wouldn't be in here if YOU weren't such a butt face! Like seriously? You act all friendly and sweet to me but now I have seen the real you. And guess what? I HATE IT."

"Rose could you just listen to me?" He had a gentle voice on. I decided they probably wouldn't want me to listen to this so I walked away, my best friends and boy friend following my lead.

I walked into my kitchen and turned to them, "I don't know if my idea was that brilliant." They all gave me this look and I immediately sighed and pinched my nose. "I meant I don't know if I want for them together again you know? What if he hurts her again?"

Josh gave me a stupid look. "What?" I asked while pulling a cup out of the cabinet. I heard Grace slip onto the counter top and Rachel slid a chair out to sit in.

I turned and Josh was leaned on the counter, his arms crossed over his chest. I smiled a bit and he smirked. "I don't think Shane will hurt her after this. I know for a fact he really likes Rose. He wouldn't even be here if he didn't."

I snorted. "If he likes her so much why would he say those things about her? He laughed with his friends as he watched her walk away crying. How is that caring for her?" I put my hands on my hips and Josh sighed.

Rachel suddenly spoke up, "I really wish we didn't get involved in guys like we said we wouldn't." and Grace nodded. I pinched the bridge of my nose, "I know, life would be as simple as it used to be."

Josh cleared his throat from behind us, "You know I'm still here right?" I laughed and walked over to him. "I know, I'm sorry. Your just so complicated." He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me.

I sighed in content. Yes, Josh makes everything just this much more complicated. But moments like these just make it okay.

Sadly my moment with Josh was cut short by banging on the closet door. I untangled my self from Josh's warm arms and gave my friends a look to follow. We all walked to the closet where they were still banging on the door.

"Would yall quit? Were right here!" I yelled kicking the door. I heard a mumble from Rose and Shane spoke first. "Look were hungry and were working it out. Can we please come out and have food?" Shane pleaded and I heard him slid down the door.

"I don't know about that.." I said slowly. "ANNA! We are starting to make up okay? Can we just have some food?!" Rose screamed. I smiled, it may turn out to be okay after all!

I turned to Rachel and whispered "Go get them something that could fit underneath the door." and jerked my thumb over my shoulder to the direction of the kitchen. She nodded and skidded around on her socks making her way there.

"Rachel is going to get yall something." I said and smiled. Josh wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my jaw. "It's going to go back to normal." He whispered in my ear, sending chills down. I nodded when Rachel showed her head around the corner.

"I got the perfect thing to feed my lovely little prisoners." She said with a wink and I smiled. She had her arms behind her back so I couldn't see what she brought. Before I knew what she was doing, she shoved whatever it was underneath the door.

We were all silent for a second before Rose voice filled the silence.

"You brought a piece of cheese?"

 Chapter status - Unedited

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