What Will Happen When You Drink A Gallon of Bleach..?

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Here people

Let me tell you

HOW brutal Bleach is

It danced on my burning tongue

Filling up inside my hairless nose

Running down my necrosis throat

Stinging my damaged blue eyes

Laughing along with my bubbling skin

And the more I am puking

the more faster the poison

Spreading into my hypotension blood

Poking around my darting heart

Eating away on my abdominal wall

Pumping blood out of my broken ears

Choking from inhaling the chemical air

Before it sent me collapsing into the death

Only took them two minutes and three seconds to bring me back

I awoke with life-giving oxygen forcefully being blasted into my lungs

Till all bile and chemical was cleaned from my wasted shell

Scarred by the smell, taste, look, feel of Bleach

Left me here forever living with my poisoned self

What Will Happen When You Drink A Gallon of Bleach..?Where stories live. Discover now