Greeting Michael At The Airport

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A/N: I am really sorry for not updating. To be honest I've had a bit of a mental blank, to help me carry on it'd be sooo helpful if you guys could comment any requests.

This imagine is inspired by the boys' recent arrival home to Sydney, sorry it's incredibly short but I really wanted to update and let you know what's going on. (: Hope you enjoy and please comment your thoughts!

(Not checked/edited, it's late xx)


"Flight 34621 is now coming in to land."

You fiddle nervously with the hem of your jumper as the announcement rings out through the Australian airport.

You're standing at the arrivals gate along with the boys' parents. They are chatting between themselves happily but you can't help but remain quiet.

You're not too sure why you're so nervous, perhaps it's the fact it's been months since you've seen them. Perhaps it's the fact you honestly don't know what you're going to do when you finally lay eyes on Michael, your perfect boyfriend; whether you'll kiss him or sob on his shoulder over how much you missed him.

The time goes by tediously slowly, just as it does when you're waiting for something important, until the moment finally arrives.

Passengers on the same flight as the band flood through the gate, greeting and hugging loved ones while pushing large trolleys with suitcases on. The number of people seems endless util you spot a splash of bright blue hair in the crowd, bobbing towards your group.

Not really thinking straight and not really in control of your actions you start to dart through the crowd towards the group who are now coming into sight more. They all look worn out but, as usual, have huge smiles on their faces.

Michael glances at you briefly before doing a double take, his grin growing wider. He instantly drops his suitcase and picks you up in a tight hug. You giggle at his enthusiasm, so happy in the moment.

"Mikey I missed you so much..." You gush in his ear, smiling.

"I missed you too. But we don't have to miss each other anymore." He replies quietly, still holding you.

Suddenly more arms wrap around you both, as the whole band seems to join in with the hug.

"Band hug!" Calum yells, and you all laugh, you happier than you've been since they left. People are looking but you don't care, the boys always manage to put a smile on your face.


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