Chapter 11: Yet another disaster party

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Rori Everhart

Thinking about our intimate moments made my body heat up with desire. His lips were soft against mine. His kisses were gentle yet exuded manliness. I don’t know how one guy can look and feel so perfect. It’s like a modern day Adonis stirring up trouble.

I rung Violet and invited her to come with me to the party on Friday because frankly speaking, I don’t think I can handle being alone with Alex without conjuring up the most explicit thoughts in my head or doing the most thoughtless things but she told me she had somewhere to go with other friends and the fact that I couldn’t take Elle because she’s sick still stood so I guess this ugly duckling was flying solo.

I eyed the hanged clothing in my wardrobe. Five minutes in, I finally picked out a strappy baby blue denim sundress that had tiny white polka dots on it. It definitely screamed casual, which I was evidently going for. After slipping it on, I settled after putting on a pair of subtle red three inch high wedges which brought me to a good height of 5’7” which was nothing on Alex.

I proceeded to my full length mirror to study my outfit then decided to go all natural with my dark curls spilling down my shoulders and wearing no makeup except for some almost colorless lip balm to keep my lips moist and soft.

Miles was nowhere in sight so I told Clemence I was going out. The breeze outside was warm as I waited for my ride. I looked down at my watch. It was six thirty and I’ve been standing outside for ten minutes before a black BMW Sedan pulled up in front of me. Alex hopped off the driver’s seat and made his way to me.

“What happened to your bike?” I asked quizzically. He actually brought a car instead of his bike, which was thoughtful of him, I guess.

“At home. Dropped Stellan off then borrowed his car to pick you up.” He told me, his eyes lingering on me. I squirmed under his gaze.

“So are we going?” I asked, raising a brow at him.

“Yeah.” He said before pulling the passenger seat door open for me.

“I didn’t know you were such a gentleman.” He rolled his eyes at me. “Just get in the car princess.”

“Bossy, bossy.” I tutted, slipping into the passenger seat then watched him circle half the car to get to his side before easing out of the drive way. Ten minutes later we were at an unknown house. It was relatively big and real classy.

“Whose party is this?” I asked.

“Tara’s welcome home party.” He told me bluntly. I couldn’t help but feel insecure after knowing that this is her party. He parked the car and we got off, making our way into the house. Like I thought, the interior was just as beautiful as the exterior. The place was packed and music was blaring in the background. Numerous red cups were littered on the floor and tons of hormonal teenagers rubbing against each other; it was definitely not my scene, especially after what happened last time.

Alex guided me to the bar where I see the beautiful blonde waving at us or probably just him. As soon as we arrived at a reaching distance, she instantly shot up from her seat and gave Alex a tight hug, all laugh and smiles were between them.

“I’m so happy you made it!” she yelled excitedly before her gaze set on me. “And who’s this?”

“Rori Everhart, a good friend of mine.” He replied. We were friends?

“Hi, I’m Tara. It’s really nice to meet you,” she offered me a genuinely warm smile. “Good friends? Since when did Alexander Clarke start to have good friends that are girls?” she cocked her eyebrow, lips lifted into a suggestive smirk.

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