Chapter 2 ~ Mystery

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Yay for chapter two!

Chapter 2 ~ Mystery

* Macy's POV *

To me, my father's words felt like a slap in the face and I couldn't even imagine what Eli must've been feeling. My throat started to constrict at the revelation and I just wanted to pulled out of this nightmare.

"You're lying," Elijah croaked.

"I'm not lying. You can ask your Great Grandfather if you don't believe me. He confirmed it," My Dad replied. Even though his voice was restrained he still spoke softly, as if he didn't want to believe his own words.

Eli sniffed from behind me. I didn't dare to look back at him. I didn't know what to feel myself - Eli killed Mom? No, I refuse to believe that... Maybe there was a mistake.

I heard Elijah leave and no one tried to stop him. "Is that really true Daddy?" I whispered.

My Dad nodded. I felt like hugging my Dad and telling him that I loved him and that Momma loved him too. But I held back. I turned around and walked away with slouched shoulders. I heard the front door slam and I knew Eli had left. I didn't even know if he was going to come back.

It was hard to stop the tears - I had already cried too much today - but I couldn't help it. I preferred empty days that dragged on forever than days where all I could just do is cry.

Why did the whole family have to go onto a hunting trip?

I pushed open my bedroom door and walked towards my bed. I looked up at the plain, white ceiling and wondered how to escape the madness I called my life. An everlasting life while I was at it. Was I always going to be this miserable?

I let out a long sigh and wiped my soggy eyelashes. I outstretched my arm to grab my letter and I read over it a couple more times.

I had only seen my Mom twice at her grave. At the funeral and when Grandma managed to persuade Dad to take us. It was after that trip that Dad wanted to move away. I'd say to start afresh but that evidently wasn't the case.

As the painful silence ensued in my room, I thought about my mom's grave. And how I wanted to see the wilted flowers and mossy stones which surrounded her grave.

* flashback *

"We're here," Dad grumbled as he switched off the engine in the middle of nowhere.

"Yay! Wait, I don't see Momma's grave," I said half chirpily, half confused.

"We have to walk to it. The car can't go much further," Dad explained and opened his door. Due to the child lock Dad had put on we were unable to open to door unless we were meant to break it. He opened the door and Eli and I piled out.

I was happy - to see Mom's grave - which was weird because something told me I was supposed to be sad. I grabbed Dad's big hand and clutched onto the flowers Aunt Ness helped me to collect in my other hand. Eli held Dad's other hand after Dad locked the car and placed his keys in his pocket.

We walked up a steep hill, it was difficult but Dad made sure we didn't tumble down. When we escaped the trees I came to view of the grave. I let go of Dad's hand and ran towards it. Eli did the same but in his hand was his favourite toy car - an Audi R8. We had learnt that it was Mom's favourite car from Great Uncle Jasper and ever since Eli played with it everyday.

I placed the flowers on the grave and kneeled down not sure what to do now. Are you supposed to say something?

"It's the first time Dad has brought us here," Eli started. "It's been a long time since we've seen you."

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