Chapter 6

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I breathed out another heavy laugh as I jumped out of the car and landed onto the driveway leading up to Matt's house. My hands were full of different bags of various liquors, while Brian was juggling to hold the four, six packs and shut the door at the same time.

We had spent a bit to much time playing around in guitar center. Well, I could never spend too much time in that store. If I could, I'd probably live there just so I could use all their amps and blast the sound of my guitar. But we figured three hours was pushing it, given the fact that we were just suppose to go and get some beer.

"I'm still picturing that guys face when he tried to help you with the amp." Brian laughed loudly as he wandered over to my side.

I chuckled with him, immediately thinking of the poor guys shocked face. It was a usual look that I got when the teenage boys would wander over and try to help the poor women in the store. Most of the times I just played along, letting them set my shit up then when they asked if I'd like to hear them play something, I'd cut them off and blast the intro to some metal song.

"I had to be nice, I let him think he was helping." I smirked as we turned and headed towards the house.

"Oh yes, until he plugged you in and asked if you wanted to learn the chords to smoke on the water." Brian tilted his head in my direction, a grin painted across his face. "Oh no, I'm fine." He tried imitating my shy quiet voice, when I was talking to the guy. Surprisingly he had me spot on, he had me read like an open book. "Let me just fucking play you Fade To Black and make you shut the fuck up." He broke character as he burst out laughing again.

"I'm sorry." My voice droned out as I attempted to wave my hands around. But when the glass bottles clinked together dangerously I gave up on that. Not wanting to break our liquor before I managed to get it inside. Pretty sure the guys would be pissed. "I wasn't going to sit there and let him teach me a song I already know!" I settled for just shaking my head playfully. It was less risky.

"I just don't know why I've just met you." Brian smiled at me, giving me this look of semi shock.

I just shrugged my shoulders slowly, thinking about the many reasons to why I've only just met Brian. One obvious being my stupid self thinking that I had a chance at love with an online fling. But now that I've spent a decent amount of time here, I can finally say that what I have with Matt... If that's even his name, was probably nothing more than a fling. He made sure that what we had never had a chance, so there was no point in me trying anymore.

"Jesus where the hell did you two go?" Before I even realized what was happening, Brian had already opened the door to Matt's house and we were being greeted by a very anxious group of people.

"Guitar center." I smiled as I kicked off my shoes and wandered towards the dinning room.

Setting the bags down on to the table I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes burning holes into my body. It was the same feeling I had earlier when Midge was talking with us about color schemes out by the pool.

"We should have never let those two go there. It's a fucking miracle that they even came back by themselves." Ignoring the feeling of eyes I chuckled at what Midge was saying. Because in all actuality, it was true.

"You can't be mad at us, we bought you more than beer." Fishing through the plastic bags I looked for a couple of the more expensive liquor bottles we had bought. Finally finding them I gripped them in my hands and spun around, waving them around slightly.

"JD, you sure know a way to a mans heart." Zacky all but barreled his way towards me. Ripping the black and white label bottle from my hands, and immediately going into the kitchen. Probably in search for a shot glass or something.

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