Episode 9- Sorry

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I have a new Nouis story on my profile,...mind cheking it out? Thanks :)

Enjoy guys! :D 




 Episode 10- Sorry.

You-You kept that?” Niall asked, completely gobsmacked.

Yeah. You gave it to me a week before you left. I should've known that it was a goodbye gift,” Zayn chuckle.

Ugh, you're going to kill me with all the guilt aren't you?” Niall groaned, tilting his head back so that the tears pooling in his eyes wouldn't fall.

Probably,” Zayn chuckle, “I won't stop until your drown in it,”

You're evil when you're old,” Niall groaned as he place his head on Zayn's chest, just like when they were little, sitting under the tree trying to make animal origami. What would Zayn think if he found out that his best friend is gay? Would he regret the past 15 years waiting for him?

There is one way to make it up to me,” Zayn announced as he runs his hair through Nialls oily morning hair.

What is it? I'll do anything Zee,” Niall asked, feeling extremely comfortable on Zayn's chest.

Go out with me,” Zayn replied “On a date,”

“On a,....date?” Niall asked, a tad bit unsure “Like a couple's date? That sort of date?”

“Well,...yeah,” Zayn replied confidently.

“I-I,” Niall stuttered. Well at least now he knows that his best friend is gay too, which is quite a shock because Zayn looks too beautiful to be gay. It's quite funny to think that even though the gay population isn't many, Niall has met quite a number of them in his life, and half of them are twice as good looking as him. So, gay birds do flock together huh? But how does Zayn know he's gay? “So, you-you know?”

“Know what?” Zayn replied with a question.

“That I'm,...gay?”

“Well,...obviously,” Zayn fidgeted, not really wanting Niall to know the whole truth that he's been stalking him for quite some time now.

“How?” Niall asked.

“It's written on you forehead,” Zayn joked, earning a smack on the shoulder from Niall.

“I'm serious Zee,” Niall whined, using Zayn's childhood nick name. He haven't heard anyone calling him that in the past fifteen years. It melted Zayn's heart just by just hearing the way Niall pronounce it.

“Lucky guess,” Zayn whispered, loud enough for Niall to hear him. Somehow, Niall knew Zayn wasn't being 100% honest, but he let it slip because he was just happy to him again after fifteen years.

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