Chapter 2

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Hey so this chapter's going to be kind of short but the next one will be longer. I still have parts to give so comment....I need girlfriends for all the boys except Harry and Niall so comment with who you would like. Please comment, fan, vote because if no-ones reading it I won't bother continuing <3 Thanks 

Harry and I spent most of the weekend texting, just about random stuff and I couldn't wait to see him again, I'll admit it I had a massive crush on him...I just hoped that he felt the same. However, just looking at his texts I really think he might like me. I mean I have absolutly no idea why someone as perfect as Harry would even look at someone like me! I was a pretty average person, long brown hair, greeny-bluey eyes, quite tall; I had no distinguishing features AT ALL. I was pretty clever but not extremely: never top, never bottom of the class. I just wished that I was something special, something different.

I broke out of my daydream and looked around. I was sitting in the park, casually swinging (as you do)! I could see a girl approaching, I suddenly sat up - it was the girl who had glared at me so evilly as I stepped out of the coffee shop the other day. I immediatly recognised that type of girl: the tall, blond haired, blue-eyed model type. Her make up was flawless and I could instantly tell that her clothes were expensive. Her beautiful face was contorted with fury. I wasn't going to say anything and got upto leave. "You little..." she snarled and a felt a sharp slap across the face. I fell back landing on the ground. "Stay away you little slut," with that she walked off - leaving me sitting there confused with a smarting cheek . 

"What the..." I had no idea what just happened. "Here" a voice came from behind me, offering me a hand up. "Well that's my white jeans ruined,"I remarked ruefully. She smiled and led me over to a bench. "Are you okay?" She asked looking concerned, "I'm Lucy, by the way." Lucy was quite short with curly red hair. She was wearing a skirt with leggings and a Hollister hoodie. "I'm Mia"

"Hey Mia, that was Sophie." I laughed humourlessly "she didn't really introduce herself. Anyway, I don't really want to talk about it. So tell me about yourself" Lucy and I talked for ages, getting to know each other. She had a boyfriend called Niall. They'd been going out for over a year and everytime she talked about him her face jsut lit up. Eventually she asked me if I had a boyfriend. I told her about Sam, my ex-boyfriend. I had really liked him and we had went out for ages but it turned out he'd been cheating on me with my bestfriend (well ex-bestfriend now). Ever since Sam i'd found it really hard to trust boys. That's why I liked Harry so much, he seemed so genuine and I felt like like I could trust him. I started to tell Lucy about Harry but she interupted me about half way through. "Wait...Harry Styles?"

"Yeah, why do you know him?" 

"Yeah, I know Harry, listen you seem like a really nice girl and I like you, so there's something you need to know about Harry"

DUM, DUM, DUM cliffhanger!!! ;P comment guessing what's about to happen. And as ever: Fan, Vote, Comment etc. Love you <3 Next part will be longer... I promise ;D

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