To Rule The Rain

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It rained, Mother Earth wept for a woman who's soul had vanished from the earth for eternity. She cried out, sending screams of thunder plummeting at earth. Lightning struck with such force, the earth trembled beneath the people. fierce raindrops pounded the people endlessly for ages. The people knew it was a time of mourning and death.

After Earth was born came an age where Mother Earth ruled. She is the mountains, the valleys, the sky. She is the storms, the wind, the ocean. Mother Earth exists everywhere. Azla and her people worshiped the great and powerful Mother Earth with awe, never underestimating the power she held locked inside of her. Mother Earth Struck down all who challenged her. Most lived in harmony with Mother Earth, yet many have attempted and failed to overthrow her.

When the rain began i was not yet concived. My mother was just a young girl of two or three. In my first moments of life the world was chaos. Lightning threatened to shake the earth off it's axis; thunder boomed overhead and water flooded almost every inch the earth had to offer. My mother was still trembling at the thought of rearing a child in this ruthless planet. She had wondered many nights if it would have been better just to kill her unborn child but, she had not the heart to do the deed. So, I, Azla was born and from birth i had to be strong and fight for the right to survive the harsh punishment of life.

"Hush now child!" my mother hissed.

After six years of life in the cold i had begun to tremble with fear as I looked at the world around me. All i could hear was the pounding of each raindrop on our leaking stone roof. I longed to play in the sunshine, to hear the birds song as my mother described ; to feel the comfertable warmth of dry blankets. Yet, the endless rain never let up, nor did it worsen. The rain only continued to pour.

I haven't seen another living soul pass by other than my family in over a year, people were becoming scarce, people were dieing of the cold. The hunger. Today even food is a luxury hard to come apon unless you happened to be a skilled huntress. Animals were driven to extinction; only fish thrived in this cold wet waste of a planet. I, myself am a fine young huntress and as the years slowly passed  my small family never went too hungry. Father was an alright hunter himself, even though it was against the law that men were not to be seen in the outside world. Mother and I happened to be the only people for miles so father pitched in with the hunting as well.

Men such as father were the weaker sex. Men have always been treated as slaves, or as animals. Usually they are kept in shackles or cages. The only real use for men in the Empress' eyes were breeding and slavery, the weak were killed and the strong were assigned to women at the age of twenty five who chose to keep a "husband". However our family happened to be kinder than most, so we allow father to live as a women would in our house. If the great empress had been aware we surely would have been sentenced to torture and execution, my heart pounded at the thought of the Empress, her power over the people was secondary to only that of Mother Earth.

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