Chapter 4

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     Because otherwise, I wouldn't be writing this novel. 

   Alright, I've made my descision. Hopefully it's the right one. That's the problem with the world, you can never peacefully just go about your life with the intention that everything's been worked out for you. That just never seems to happen, no does it? Really, I thought Vietnam was the right choice. Damn my guilty consience. So I step out the door, grabbing my bag and cap, not bothering to look over my shoulder. 

"Nooo! Jack I'm serious-we can work things out-jus stay for five minutes and honestly, I'll explain everything. Truly! Jack, don't leave like this! Not now..." She drifts off, out of breath and out of inspiration.

"This it Angelique. I'm out of here, I'm married to another woman, you know."

"Since when!?" She grabs me by the lapels of my coat, and drags me back inside. Now that's some hidden strength.

"Oh since, let me see now, two years." I stare down at my watch, the glass scratched and the leather scarred.

"Why didn't you tell me about this-you, you fucking asshole!"

"You, my dear lady, were asleep," I smile inwardly knowing what will happen next.

    But like many things in my life, this doesn't really go according to plan. Angelique comes up from behind me with a baseball bat and bashes me over the head, in her drunken(on blood of course) stupor. "Don't do this again. I won't let you." She whispers in my ear as stars cloud my vision. I collect myself and get up again, blinking madly. Rubbing the back of my head, I smile and turn to her."Any ice on hand my dear?" I ask her slyly. She knows it wouldn't hurt or kill me, for that matter.

"Fuck you!" She snarles, storming off to the kitchen in search of an ice pack. "Do so hurry up!" I call after her. She looks back at me, her hair a mess of curles around her face. "Shut up!" She mutters through gritted teeth. Too bad I can still hear her though. Next thing I know, a bag of ice is being tossed, at my stomach. "Nice try, but you really must work on that aim of yours!" I call after her, and strut out the door in style, happily.

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