Chapter 8- Stolen

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Chapter 8-stolen

Marines p.o.v

Once I got home I went right to the back door to jump into the ocean like I always do. I missed my mother and father already.

Said swam through the ocean till I got a bad feeling, I looked around for any threat. when I didn't see any I took the ok to swim back up to my deck.

I dried off and changed. I felt like I was being .... watched. I sat on my bed and looked out the window and saw nothing.

I sighed and walked down the stars to where I hoped my brothers to be, instead I found king Eric and prince Caden.

Before I could even blink there was a hand over my mouth and my hands were handcuffed behind my back.

"Let me go!" I screamed from behind king Eric's hand. I struggled against his hold and just his hold. His son just watched me with a heart broken expression.

"It's your copse the easy way or the hard way." king Eric hissed in my ear. I cowered away in fear.

I went to use one of my powers till a dirty rag come down on my mouth instead of his hand. I started to fell drowsy.

Chloroform I though has my world went black.

Jakes p.o.v

I walked into the house after me and Jarod had to study extra for some math test.

When we entered the house I saw broken vases and our tv was knocked over along with the back door being broken open.

I rushed over to the deck and looked down to see another note, man this guy and notes.

Dear jake and Jarod,

You can't save her now. its a little to late. I'm three days she will be mated and married.


Well you know who it is.

I looked at the note and then Jarod looked at it from behind me. "How scents fair it's been hours" Jarod whispered.

"I called father he said he sent men out but he can't come die to a problem with king Eric" he told me.

I nodded "let's go talk to a certain alpha" I said and then we were off.

We'll find you. i promise little sis. don't worry our mate wants you he's just confused.

We drove to the alphas house and after about ten minutes for us to get past security and to the alphas office.

I looked t the door that said 'Alpha' on it I looked back at Jarod and he nodded. we walked into the room to see three pairs of eyes on us.

"Let us explain" my brother buttered in. the beta, the alpha bad my sisters mate nodded and gestured for us to sit across from them.


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