Wentworth's Baron - Epilogue

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            Alexander and Henrietta sat on the bench in her favorite part of her mother’s garden near the lavender patch.  It was hard to believe it has been a year since their marriage.  Alexander held his wife in his arms softly whispering stories of his childhood as he caressed his wife’s stomach and their unborn child. 

            “Don’t forget to tell her how you deceived her mother,” she said playfully. 

            “Deceived his mother?  What about how his mother refused to even meet his father until the day of their marriage?”  replied Alexander.

            Henrietta let out a wail of laughter as the baby squirmed in her belly.  “Well, I guess father was right.” 

            “Right about what, my love?” said Alexander.  “Well, on the day of our wedding he told me that if I could hold my temper should it threaten to erupt, that I would be greatly diverted and pleased.”

            “Your father said that?  Well, have you been greatly diverted and pleased?”  asked Alexander with a mischievous grin.

            Henrietta laughed.  “Oh, very much so, every day my love.” 

            Alexander leaned over and kissed her softly when Henrietta jumped suddenly and looked in her husband’s eyes said softly, “It’s time.”

            “Mmm.  It’s time.” Alexander repeated as he relished in the smell of her hair that smelled of lavender.

            “My love, I mean it’s time,” looking down at the movement in her midsection.

            “Oh! It’s time!” as he jumped up and yelled for the servants to get the midwife, he whisked his wife away.

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