Christa Flame

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Chapter Nine

"Who's hungry?" Fred asked, filling up the awkward silence.

"I am!" George and I grinned.

We all walked to the Great Hall, talking about the Triwizard tournament. Fred and George were complaining about how they weren't old enough to enter. They started making a very interesting scheme involving an ageing potion and passing an age line.

Which I know will fail miserably.

"You know your plan's going to bomb, right?" I asked with a smirk pulling at my lips.

"Have a little faith Ann." Fred smirked.

"I don't want to watch you fail." I giggled as I split ways with the twins and walked into the great hall.

"I thought you didn't watch us fail." Fred said mockingly.

"Well, I forgot the Goblet of fire was in here." I sighed.

Hermione was sitting and reading a book, Harry and Ron were talking, Draco was talking with his goons... God that boy needs a girlfriend.


Arieliss and some random girl were talking in hushed tones.

Professor McGonagall was supervising all of it.

I had a feeling Arieliss and another girl were up to no good, so I thought I'd keep an eye on them.... Just in case.

"Elly, are you coming?" Fred asked.

"Who?" I asked.

"You, I think I'll call you Elly, it's cute." Fred grinned.

"Well, thanks Fred, but I think I'll be keeping an eye on my sister for a while." I sighed, taking a glance at Arieliss.

"Oh, okay." he sighed before doing a double take in my direction.

Fred walked away, slumping slightly.

I quickly walked over and sat about a metre of from Arieliss and the other girl.

"Mum said that the Potter boy's going to die at the end of the year." Arieliss laughed quietly.

"Really?" the girl asked.

"Yes, really." Arieliss snapped.

"You american lot sometimes." Arieliss mumbled.

"Sorry." the girl muttered before walking away.

She walked away and noticed me watching her and walked on my direction.

I quickly turned my attention otherwise.

Then she stopped right in front of me.

"You'd better watch your back, blood traitor." she hissed, pointing her wand directly at me chest.

"I've decided to to hate you, but consider it a blessing. And dint you dare go yell Potter or any of the Weasleys what you heard either." she snapped.

"Understood." I mumbled.

"Good, by the way my name's Flame, Christa Flame." she said on a lighter note.

"Annabeth, I'm Arieliss's sister." I smirked.

"You guys must be twins then." she examined.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"You two look a lot alike, except for the eyes. Your eyes are a lot different." she said.

"Yeah, its like she's got the devil's eyes." I laughed.

"I noticed that." she laughed.

"Volume Ms. Lestrange and Ms. Flame." Professor McGonagall whispered harshly.

"Sorry professor." we answered in unison as we both turned to face the professor.

McGonagall walked away slowly.

I turned back around to face Christa, but Arieliss and her were gone.

It wasn't until then I noticed how much was going on while I was talking to Christa.

Fred and George were wrestling on the floor.

With white hair.

And beards.

"Lovely." I sighed, sarcastically.

"I told them it wasn't going to work." Hermione said, shaking her head.

"I did too, but when do they ever listen?" I laughed.

"Never!" Mione and I said together.

Then Viktor Krum, one of the bulgarian guys, placed a piece of paper into the goblet.

He shot Hermione a flirtatious smirk, but I think I was the only one who noticed.

I believed Fred and George were taken to the hospital wing.

I looked back and saw that Arieliss and Christa were back again.



Ello!!! I've ha this written for awhile, but I don't know why I haven't posted it yet. Anyway... Sorry for not posting for like two weeks.


Annabeth Ella Lestrange: The Gryffindor? (A Fred Weasley Romance Story){ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now